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You're listening to eighty-seven point five the drive...

After the usual sound effect played out, Leon straightened up and smiled at the camera. "How's it going guys? We're gonna kick off the show with this week's top hit- everyone, this is Avril Levigne's Here's To Never Growing Up."

The song started to play, and Leon fiddled around with the tech board in front of him for a moment. As the show progressed, he grew more comfortable and settled back into the regular routine of his show.

Meeting Emil the Icelander in the store had surprised Leon to no end. He really hadn't thought about the possibility that he had fans before- let alone ones that lived in the same town as he did. The station broadcasted all around Europe, so he figured that any listeners would be spread far and wide.

Apparently not.

Sometime during the show, while accepting phone calls from viewers, it was brought to his attention that the weekly 'anecdote session' would be starting soon. He was slightly startled, as time seemed to have flown yet again.

The song currently playing ended, and another person came over the phone line. It was one of the other radio personalities at the station, Matthew. He was actually Alfred's younger brother, but Leon liked him better because he was quiet and, although it wasn't recognized off-air by anyone but him, actually really funny.

Matthew was well-loved within the station because even though he was barely as old as Leon, he was mature, but still incredibly innocent. Everyone at the studio knew who he was, which still seemed to surprise him every time that someone got his name correct.

They talked for a while, generally having a regular conversation and catching up on their week.

"So I heard that you had your first fan encounter this week," Matthew's voice flowed smoothly through the headset into his ears.

Leon smiled again as the white haired boy entered his mind. "Yeah I did, it was really great."

"Did it surprise you at all?"

"Completely. When you think about it, how many people actually get to be well known for their jobs?" He shrugged. "I always expected to be some little known artist or restaurant owner or something. But I found something better."

"Well isn't that just heartwarming?" Matthew's joking, of course, which is always good for Leon to hear. The kid's like a little brother to him, and he wants him to be happy. "How did the actual meeting go?"

"Well... It was kind of awkward, I'm not going to lie." He gave a small laugh, remembering Emil's constant shifting and personal awkwardness. "Then again, it's not if I even knew what to do to make it unawkward, either."

"What happened?" Matthew sounded sincerely interested, another quality that endeared him to others. He always genuinely cared about you, no matter who you were. He assumed that was one of the things that Matthew's fans loved.

"Well, we talked for a few minutes, and then he asked for a hug, which was... nice." He chuckled. "He was so excited, it was kind of cute, to be honest."

Matthew chuckled on the other end of the line. "He sounds interesting. I expect full details from you when we see each other next."

"Um, sure." Leon said, slightly confused. He went with it anyways, continuing the conversation. It turned out that Matthew's first fan experience had gone much more smoothly that his had, and they shared for a few moments more before ending the call.

The rest of the show ran smoothly, and Leon was on the way home before he knew it. He lived a good twenty minute walk away from his home, so some days he walked and others he took the tube. He decided on walking home today, as it was still fairly light out and it wasn't too cold yet.

Mindful of the ice coating the steps, he started on his way, making good time as he marched swiftly along.

About halfway home he spotted a head of silvery hair on the opposite side of the road. Further inspection (i.e. stopping and borderline staring) concluded that it was most likely Emil that he was seeing through the heavy snowfall. Either that or someone had been standing outside for a very long time without shaking the snow out of their hair.

In the time that it had taken him to make that deduction, Emil had looked his way. The boy's face light up and he grinned, waving across the road with a hopeful expression.

Leon broke into a grin at the sight. This boy really was a huge fan. He waved back to him, wishing that he could stop and say hello again. He'd love to, really, but he had some rather important papers to file and the next radio show to prepare for.

He tapped his wrist, hoping to convey that he didn't have the time for a proper hello.

Emil shrugged at him from across the street, either saying 'what can you do' or 'what the hell are you saying?'.

It was weird, standing across the street from a near-stranger and trying to communicate through only body language. Not particularly good body language, either.

Leon waved to him once more, winked, and walked away, continuing on his way home.

It was just past eight when he got back, only a few minutes later than usual. He smiled as he entered the apartment, glad to finally be be home and alone. Don't get him wrong, he loved the people in his life (for the most part), but they just got a bit... annoying after a while, tiring, because he always had to hold back just a little bit to keep his mature, collected persona up.

He was going to make a cup of tea and maybe finish the anime that he'd started at the beginning of the week, and he wasn't going to give a fuck about anyone else for the next few hours. Leon needed a little time to himself, that was all.

So naturally, that's when his phone decided to ring.

Ahah... Hello! I'm sorry about the wait on this, but I took a little break from the Hetalia fandom for a few personal reasons. Don't worry though, I'm back and updates are going to be better than ever! SS should be updated within the next couple days, and until then, au revoir!

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