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Leon stared into his cabinet, groaning when he confirmed that yes, he really was out of tea. Damn cousin, coming into his house (without an invite, mind you) and essentially drinking the rest of his tea.

Never mind the fact that in the process, he'd woken Leon up at ten in the morning. That wasn't so bad in itself, in fact, he was usually up before that, but the night before there had been a party for his boss' birthday. So not only had Leon been forced to stay up all hours of the night making sure that none of his idiot co-workers died from doing something stupid while drunk (Leon could've been drunk himself, but he didn't like to drink), but he had to deal with his posh, overly-British cousin, Arthur.

Who just so happened to think that he could boss Leon around because he'd lived with him for a few years. Which most definitely wasn't the case. Leon was twenty years old, he could take care of himself just fine.

But to the problem at hand- he was out of tea. Did it make him feel old that he liked to drink tea, or remind him of the four and a half years that he lived in Britain? Yeah, sometimes it did, but most of the time Leon honestly didn't care. He liked to drink tea over coffee, it wasn't a crime.

Unless you asked Arthur's friend, Alfred. Then it was probably classified as the single greatest felony of all.

At least the rest of the world could appreciate some differentiation. Not that Alfred didn't, but he was just very much an air head. Anything you said to the blonde would most likely go over his head, and he was very loud and hard to get through to. Leon sometimes wondered how Arthur could stand to be around Alfred most of the time.

Shaking his head clear of those thoughts (he did not want to spend his time thinking about his cousin and his obnoxious friend), Leon pulled on his coat. Looks like he'd be going to get more tea now.

The air was colder than he expected, causing him to shiver. It was snowing out, beautiful white flakes dancing gracefully down to the ground. Leon wouldn't say he spent a drastic amount of time admiring nature, but he definitely appreciated it. Who couldn't?

He thought it was pretty amazing, the Earth. It sustained it's own life, gave life to them, for God's sake! Tell him that wasn't something to marvel at.

The wind blew the snow into his face, causing Leon to pull his hood up over his head. Where he lived, he didn't need to have a car to get around. He walked anywhere he wanted to go, calling a cab when needed.

At least the grocery was in walking distance from his apartment, just a short five minute walk.

He walked through the sliding doors appreciatively, pushing his hood back down and wiping a hand across his shoulders to rid them of the accumulated snow.

The tea was in the back of the store, with the hot chocolate. Leon considered getting some of that as well, thinking it over as he examined the box of tea in his hands. Ultimately he decided to grab some, it would come in handy soon enough. When he reached up to grab a box, he was surprised to hear a voice directly behind him. "Excuse me?"

He turned, the box in his hands. There was a boy behind him, wringing his hands nervously. "Uh, yes?" Leon asked, confused.

"Are- are you Leon? From the radio?" The boy asked.

Was this a fan? He assumed so, though he wasn't arrogant. If so, it would be the first time that a fan ever approached him after recognizing him. Slightly wary, he nodded.

The boy's face light up, purple eyes brightening. Purple eyes? He'd never seen anyone who had purple eyes. Blue, sure, but never purple. "Are you a fan?"

He nodded, sending his white hair across his face. As the boy brushed it back, Leon silently marveled at it. Purple eyes and white hair, wow. And even if hey weren't natural... Damn.

"So... I'm Leon." How was Leon supposed to know what to do in this situation? It wasn't like it'd ever happened before.

"I know." The white haired kid laughed quietly. "I'm Emil."

His accent was interesting, Leon thought. It wasn't like any he'd heard before, and he'd heard quite a few. Everything about this boy seemed to spark his interest. "Emil," he said. "It sounds foreign. Where are you from?"

"Iceland," Emil replied. It seemed as if he'd suddenly remembered who he was talking to, because he'd gotten the same sort of shy tone of voice back. "Sorry if you can't understand me through the accent- I just moved here a month ago."

"Oh?" Leon raised his eyebrows. "You speak English pretty well for living here for only a month."

Emil blushed. "Yeah, uh, I took classes in Norway. I lived there for nearly a year with my brother." He made a slight face. "He's super annoying."

"Is he older than you? I have an older brother." Leon was amused by this kid. Wait- how old was he?

"Yes. He always wants me to call him 'big brother', just because he's a few years older than me!"

"How old are you?" He questioned.

"I'm nineteen," Emil grimaced. "He's twenty-three, so he thinks he's the boss of me."

"Ah." Leon couldn't help but sympathize; no matter what their intentions were, sometimes older brothers (or sisters) just made things worse. "I know how you feel."

As much as Leon wouldn't mind talking more to Emil, the Icelander seemed to be itching to go somewhere. He figured that he had to return to his home, maybe to his older brother, if he'd moved with him, but wanted to talk to Leon. For a fan, Emil was pretty calm about seeing him, which Leon was grateful for. He knew that, unfortunately, not all of them would be.

"Listen I have to go, but it was really great meeting you and talking to you!" Emil's statement confirmed Leon's suspicion. "I'm a big fan- it's a little ridiculous, really- so this was super cool."

He was rambling, Leon noted. He smiled. This guy was pretty cute, it a platonic, friendly way. "No that's cool," he reassured. "It was nice to talk to you, I might see you around again sometime."

Emil, with his face red (Leon figured that he knew that he was about to ramble, before), nodded. "Could I- Can I have a hug?" The blush on his cheeks intensified, and Leon, yet again surprised, nodded.

He hugged Emil quickly, and when he pulled back the younger smiled at him before leaving with a quick wave and a quite, embarrassed goodbye. Leon looked down the aisle where he'd gone, then down to the drinks in his hand before sighing and heading towards the counter.

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