seventeen » scheming

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"What do you mean he hasn't talked to you since Thursday?"

It was the question I didn't want to hear. As much as I didn't want to confide in Corinna all the embarrassing secrets she would one day use against me, I desperately needed someone to talk to, someone to listen, someone to care. I was never popular with boys due to my awkwardness and my mean personality, so I never experienced issues like this. I needed someone, a seasoned professional like Corinna, to explain things for me.

"I mean, I sucked his dick in the fucking bathroom with all his friends thirty feet away and then I told him I loved him and he seemed really excited about it but when I invited him out he started acting weird and now he hasn't talked to me since then," I explained all in one breath, leaning back against the pillows once my little rant was finally out. "That's what I mean."

"Well, it's only Monday," Corinna's voice sounded mildly optimistic, but her face told me otherwise. "Maybe he's busy. Have you texted him?"

"No?" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Why would I if he's ignoring me?"

"How is he ignoring you if you haven't even texted him?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows. I held back my smile at her words, realizing my answer was more than stupid.

"He didn't like my instagram picture," I mumbled under my breath, almost hoping she wouldn't hear. She raised her eyebrows in disbelief, opening her mouth to say something which I defensively interrupted with, "And he hasn't texted me first! Or called!"

"I think you're overthinking it. He might just be busy," she told me, peering down at her phone when it went off. "Speak of the devil!"

"What'd he say?" I asked hopefully, but cringed when I saw Corinna's face fall as she read the text she received.

"Nothing!" it was a lie and I knew it. "I don't think he meant to send this to me."

"You lying bitch," I snapped, snatching the phone from her unsuspecting grasp.

David Dobrik: Come film with me and Todd I need some of your terrible relationship for my vlog
David Dobrik: But please leave Matilda at the apartment I cant see her rn

"Overthinking, huh?" I angrily chuckled, tossing the phone to the center of the bed. I laid my head back and stared up at the ceiling, feeling embarrassed for even thinking David and I could figure something out. He was David Dobrik, after all. He didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

"Why don't I just stay here and we eat ice cream and be sad?" she suggested. "I have Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake!"

"As tempting as that sounds," I smiled, pulling her in to hug me, "you should just go. I will find something to do here, or maybe I'll ask someone to hang out."

"Are you sure?" she asked, looking me dead in the eyes to ensure I wasn't just saying I'd be fine. She was smart.

"Yes, I'm sure," I nervously laughed, pulling my body away from her. "Go. Have fun. I can take care of myself."

"I don't want to leave you if you're sad," she repeated. "But if you're sure..."

"Corinna!" I finally just pushed her gently off the bed, forcing her halfway out the door. "Please go. I need some alone time anyways. It's hard work pretending to like you twenty-four-seven."

"That's the little bitch I know and love," she smiled and sloppily planted a kiss to my cheek. "I'll probably be back sometime tonight, but if I'm not, I'll text you and let you know."

"Okay, bye," I waved her off and quite literally shoved her out the front door, closing it softly behind her. I let out a deep sigh of relief, no longer feeling Corinna's prying eyes watching my every move, waiting for me to snap. It wasn't uncommon for me to break down the second things went wrong, and she knew that. She was only looking out for me, making sure I didn't do anything I'd regret, but it was still annoying.

Left to my own devices, I didn't know what to do. With Corinna's close knit friend group constantly hanging out and filming and going to parties, it was pretty uncommon for me to end up alone. I finally decided that I'd take the night for myself.

I applied a face mask that wasn't going to work and picked out a rom-com that I could cry myself to sleep to. I did have to take Corinna up on her offer of Ben and Jerry's and scarfed down the whole pint whilst crying over the sexiness that was Matthew McConaughey.

I went to bed early that night (post-tears sleep is always the best) and woke up the next morning with some sort of understanding.

David said he loved me, and maybe he did. Maybe that was true. Maybe he had loved me all along, and he just had a funny way of showing it. Even if he did love me, he had a following. He had fans. Fans who I knew, from personal experience, could be crazy. Maybe all of this was his very bad, emotionally traumatizing way of trying to protect me.

Still, he wasn't making it easy to forgive him or even want to see his side of the story. Technically, he hadn't even apologized. I was just spiraling for no reason. He didn't even want me to understand. He just wanted to ignore me and hope the problem would go away. But if that's what he wanted, I was going to make it very, very hard.

The first step was simple. David had shown on countless occasions that he was easily made jealous, and I knew just the person to help me out.


"Zane!" I cheered when he finally picked up the phone after my fourth call. "Just the man I wanted to talk to."

"Yeah, that's why you called five times," he joked and I could only imagine him tipping his head back in laughter. "What's up? Are you okay?"

"I'm just dandy," I sarcastically replied, feeling the words slip through my lips like venom. "I need your help."

"Okay, baby, you know I'm always down for a little scheming!"

That's how we ended up outside the house, dressed to the nines and giving each other pep talks. Let me start from the beginning.

After explaining the situation to Zane, we formulated the plan: go to the boys' house to borrow a suit jacket for our fancy date, make sure we let David know we were going on a fancy date, and then see what happens. It wasn't the most well thought out plan, but Zane and I agreed it was genius. It would work. It had to.

I dressed up in a tight tan dress and some red heels, curling my blonde hair and going a little heavy on the makeup. I knew I looked good, and I hoped it would be enough to screw with David's mind. I just wanted him to explain.

Zane knocked on the door (he thought texting ruined the element of surprise) and we waited until the door swung open, Corinna greeting us with a confused smile.

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" Corinna's eyes were on me the entire time, letting me know that she knew I was up to something.

"Nothing," I shrugged innocently, but it didn't mesh well with the cheeky smirk on my face. "Came to get a jacket for our date."

"A jacket?" she asked.

"Yeah, for Zane. He wanted a certain one."

"Mhm," Corinna nodded, all the while giving me a look that said I was crazy. "Well—"

"Who is it?" David peeked his head around the corner, and the look on his face was worth it. His jaw dropped and his eyes quickly flickered between me and Zane, the crease in his eyebrow telling me he was trying to figure us out. "What the hell are you two doing?"

hey guys im bored so i wrote this. a jealous david is a happy me :) also i have an idea for a new fic but i think i want to finish this one first so that will have to wait

vote and comment if u enjoyed!!! tell me ur thoughts!!! xoxxo abby

corinna's little sister » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now