nine » apparently, we do talk about halloween

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halloween 2014

"Corinna, are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked for the umpteenth time, fidgeting with the bottom of my short, short dress. I was freaking out for three reasons.

The first was that I lied to my parents. Corinna did it often, and white lies didn't phase her, but when I left in a big hoodie to cover my costume and said I was going to my best friend Jessica's house for horror movies and face masks, my heart was beating out of my chest.

The second reason was my costume. Or lack thereof. Corinna had gifted me a Tinkerbell costume she had worn her freshman year. It was too small for me in pretty much all directions. The bottom of the tiny green dress barely scraped the bottom of my ass and my boobs were quite literally bulging out of the top. I was terrified to even walk without popping out.

The third was the party we were about to attend. It was Ilya Fedorovich's party, and he was always known to have the craziest Halloween bashes, complete with slutty costumes, booze and weed. It was my first party ever, and even with my well adapted older sister by my side, I was still scared. I had never drank or done any kind of drugs before, and I mainly went to school in sweatpants. I knew the night would be a night to remember.

Corinna and I had met at her friend's house to finish getting ready. She basically did everything for me, layering on a bit more makeup than usual to make my blue eyes pop and pulling my hair up into a very messy ponytail. I was fifteen years old, but I looked grown up. I looked good. It was enough to push my nerves down my throat and get me prepared.

Even though I could hardly walk sober in the skyscrapers Corinna called heels, I made my way carefully into Corinna's Corolla and took some deep breaths.

"You're going to be okay, Matilda. You're supposed to have fun! It's Halloween, bitch," she cheered, staring her car up and beginning the drive. She had the radio up loud, listening to Tik Tok, but all I could remember hearing was the thumping of my heart and the little voice in the back of my head telling me to go home. I should've listened.

We made it to the party in one piece despite Corinna's reckless driving, and I followed her into the large house that was absolutely packed with people. It made me feel a little better about my costume choices after seeing girls prancing around in literal underwear with bunny ears on their heads. At least I had something opaque on my torso.

"Do you want to get a drink? It will help you relax," the second I heard the word relax, I answered Corinna with a frantic nod. She laughed, grabbed my wrist and tugged me through the throng of high schoolers to the kitchen. She met David and Alex in there, giving both of them quick hugs. "And you know my sister."

I awkwardly smiled at the boys who seemed to do a double take at my appearance. I definitely had not been this exposed the last time they'd seen me.

"Hey Matilda, I didn't know you were coming," Alex wrapped a quick arm around me, followed by David.

"Yeah, Corinna said I should, so... here I am," I did some jazz hands, that I 100% regretted later, before Corinna shoved a cup in my hands to occupy me. I took one sip and immediately gagged, feeling my face scrunch up as my entire throat began burning. "What the hell is that, Rin?"

"Don't worry about it," she lazily smiled at me, taking a sip from her cup. "Drink up, bitch!"

We stood there for a bit longer, Corinna chatting with the two boys while I forced the horrible liquid down my throat. We eventually parted ways sometime in the night after Corinna refilled our cups. I talked to Dom for a bit while Corinna flirted with Ilya. He was sober, but still very fun. He had completely engrossed me in conversation and I didn't even realize when Corinna abandoned me to go upstairs with Ilya. I probably sat with Dom on the couch for an hour, ignoring the game of truth or dare  going on two rooms over, until my cup got empty again and I needed more. I left him at that, wobbling my way to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of vodka mixed with orange juice. I had classier taste than Corinna.

When I turned around to leave the kitchen, David was standing right behind me, stopping me from moving away from the counter. I smiled lightly at him, tossing my ponytail over my shoulder. Normally I would've clammed up at the thought of an older boy talking to me, but the two drink I downed had me feeling a bit more chill. I said, "Hi, David."

David didn't reply, with words, at least. His hands found their place on either side of my face and he leaned down to place his lips on mine. At first, I was frozen. I was a little drunk and it was my first kiss and I was scared. But when David pulled back just a few inches and mumbled, "Kiss me back," I knew I was hooked.

We must've only been there, in Ilya's kitchen, making out for a few minutes, but it felt like years. I was happy that I got my first kiss over with with someone like David, who might have teased me constantly, but was still trustworthy in my book.

David pulled back again, smiled down at me, then grabbed my wrist. He commanded, "Follow me."

I did. I didn't know any better. I didn't even see David shoot a thumbs up to the group of boys watching us carefully from the corner of the room. I was so naive.

David led me to a locked door, which he unlocked with a key he pulled out of his pocket. I didn't ask whose room it was. He locked the door behind us.

He led me to a bed where he sat down on the very edge, looking at me as if waiting for me to do the same. So I did. I sat down next to him and he began kissing me again, his hand tangling in the hair at the nape of my neck. I couldn't say I didn't like it, because I did.

I pulled back to ask one question.

"Are we having sex?"

David kind of chuckled, appearing almost as nervous as I was. He countered with a different question, "Do you want to?"

I was 15. My sister had done it. My friends had done it. Why not? "Sure."

"Okay," was his simple response, and then he went back to kissing me. "Can I take your princess costume off?"

I giggled at that one and teased, "It's Tinkerbell, dummy."

"Okay, princess," he grinned, fooling around with the back of the dress until he found the zipper. With shaky fingers, he slowly unzipped my dress, leaving me in nothing but a bra and underwear. I pulled at his shirt, hinting at him to take it off.

It was very awkward and painful, to sum it up. It hurt so bad for more than seventy percent of it, and I was on the verge of tears once it was over. All I remembered was David calling me princess and telling me it was going to be okay. I believed him.

I went home later than night unbelievably sore and completely oblivious to the fact that I was the topic of his friend group's conversation for the entire weekend.

I didn't even know it was a bet until I got to school on Monday. If it weren't for Alex telling me that he couldn't believe I fucked David to let him win his bet, I probably would've gone my whole life unaware. I was too embarrassed to say anything to anyone, especially to Corinna, who was friends with us both and could've easily taken his side. I didn't want her to think less of me.

Instead, I harbored my emotions deep down, feeling the hatred for David Dobrik, who acted like nothing had changed between us, grow more and more every single day. I couldn't even look at him without thinking of Halloween and our time together and how he had taken my virginity unapologetically to impress some boys who wouldn't have known if he lied about it. I couldn't look at him without thinking about the pain and humiliation he put me through. I couldn't look at him.

And thus, my hatred for David Dobrik.

tea=spilled. dont yell at me anymore!!!

lol fuck david dobrik!! secrets out ladies and gents he fucked her for a bet and then acted like it never happened

question: how old are you???  im 17 lol

anyways vote comment and follow if u liked this chapter!!! let me know what u think about their secret. also do u think my titles funny? i thought it was, in reference to chapter four lolol

anyways im off to bed. enjoy this honeys ;) xoxox abby

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