seven » another day with dobrik

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I woke up cold, if that tells you anything about what happened the night before. I woke up with David nowhere to be found and his half of the bed made, the pillow that once created a barrier between us now tucked away under his comforter. I sighed, staying in bed for another ten minutes before finally deciding I wasn't going to fall asleep again. The time on the clock read 7:44.

I climbed out of bed and did some basic grooming in David's bathroom, pulling my hair into a slightly neater bun and brushing my teeth. I changed into some running shorts and a long t-shirt, hoping that I wouldn't have to leave the house any time that day. When I looked somewhat decent I departed his bedroom and headed to his living room, where he was sitting on the couch doing something on his computer. He looked up at me when I entered, didn't say or do anything, then immediately looked back down. I rolled my eyes when I realized we were right back where we started: the silent treatment.

I took the liberty of making myself some cereal and then returned to David's room. I didn't like when David was the one with the bad attitude. I preferred when he was teasing me and I was angry.

I spent half the day in his room on my phone, annoyed that he was annoyed. It made total sense for me to hate him, but what I didn't understand is why he could hate me. I was being nice to him. I didn't even call him out when he purposely moved the pillow so we could cuddle, and trust me, I could've done some serious damage with that one.

He came to find me around noon and told me we were going to film with Brandon and Jonah, which I was fine with. I liked both of them from the ten seconds I talked to them. I ended up changing into some high waisted denim shorts and a rainbow UNIF top to look a little more dressed up. I slid on my white Vans and put on some concealer and mascara, which didn't do much but it made me feel better.

David didn't even bother to say, "Are you ready to go yet, brat?" or any of his other usual phrases. No, he sat in the car and honked for three minutes until I finally left. I made sure I walked in slow motion to the car, only laughing when David shot me a bird. Classy guy.

I rolled my eyes, jumping into the car once the door opened and waiting for it to close beside me. It was dead silent, no radio or anything, for the first few minutes of the ride. I didn't know why David was being so distant when yesterday he was so normal, but I didn't really care. I sure as hell wasn't going to make the first move, so I waited patiently for him to.

He didn't. He stayed silent until Brandon climbed into the car and then returned to his "David" personality, the one he seemed to have with everyone but me.

"Hey David. Hey Matilda, it's nice to see you again," Brandon said as he climbed in the car.

"Yeah, you too! It's nice to see someone normal for once," my eyes flickered to David as I insulted him, while his rolled back in his head. "I've been stuck with David for too long."

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" he laughed, looking between me and David for an explanation. "I thought you hated each other."

"Oh, you know, just driving David crazy," I cheekily smirked, turning to glance at the boy whose face remained expressionless. "He's my babysitter."

"Because of Dom's?" he asked and I nodded, feeling a blush grace my cheeks at the thought of stripping in front of the twenty something people in the tiny apartment. Big mistake on my part.

"Corinna didn't trust me to take care of myself," I explained, rolling my eyes at him to show how annoyed I was at the outcome. "So me and David have been sitting in his house doing nothing for the past thirty six hours."

"Hey, you had fun," he countered, a light smile gracing his face. "She set my fucking kitchen on fire. I hope she had fun."

"That's a technicality," I shrugged. "David set it on fire first."

"Her dumb ass put water on a grease fire."

"Your dumb ass started the fire in the first place."

"Your dumb ass—"

"Okay!" Brandon suddenly yelled, stopping the fight before it could even get started. I sighed, sitting back in my seat and choosing to look out the window instead of at David. "You're both pretty."

"Shut the fuck up," David and I responded at the exact same time. We made a second of eye contact but I immediately looked away.

"I'll just fuck myself," Brandon said, which made David laugh. I held my laughter back, not wanting to let him see me smile. He was obviously glad he had been filming, even if I knew he wouldn't put the fight in his video. He didn't want his fans to see him as anything less than the personality he somehow managed to present through his vlogs.

"You know, it's kinda mean that you call Nick Jonah. He obviously doesn't like it," I pointed out while David and Brandon talked about a bit they were planning.

"Good thing no one asked for your opinion," David rose his eyebrows, daring me to challenge him. I simply flicked him off. "That's what I thought."

"I just want to know what happened that made you two hate each other," Brandon piped up from the back, assumably to stop another fight from occurring. "I've never seen two people who fight like you do."

"He's just always been an annoying little asshole," I answered, smirking when I saw it ticked him off. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter and his jaw locked for just a few seconds.

"And she's always been a know-it-all bitch," he shot back, glaring at me before turning his eyes back to the road. I smiled cheekily at Brandon, feeling pretty confident in the reaction I got out of him.

"But something happened," Brandon decided after a second of pondering our answers. "Something had to have happened. This doesn't just spring out of nowhere."

"Says who?"

"It doesn't. What'd he do to you?"

"It's just been like this since middle school," I lied through my teeth. Well, kind of lied. David did tease me in middle school, but it was more of a "older brother" thing. It made me upset, but I got over it within a few days and still enjoyed his presence in my life. It was high school, specifically my sophomore year, when he really started fucking me over.

"I find that very hard to believe," Brandon said, eyebrows furrowed. "I know something happened."

"Well, believe it," David snapped, turning his car off. I realized we had pulled into a driveway at some point. "Now get out of my car."

this is short and sucky i have no motivation ive literally been in sweatpants watching danny duncan videos all day :/ smh

vote and comment if u liked!! i love to see ur reactions it genuinely makes me so happy lol

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