How do you mess up printing pictures?

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A bit of punk (Pidge x Hunk)in this chapter

Hunks POV

HMM what does this taste like? I think to myself while sniffing a red gooey substance that is resembling cake batter. Just as I scoop some into my mouth for a taste test Pidge barges in. "Hunk!" She yells as her eyes frantically dart across the room. "Yeah?" I ask with concern prickling my voice. "I messed up!" Her eyes continued to dart around. "How do you mess up printing pictures?" She hurriedly grabbed my hand and pulled me to her room, it's messy and quite dark but light enough to see clearly "Look!" She gestures to a pile of photos scattered on the bed. "What they look norm- oh." I frown one picture is a good picture of Keith and Lance on a place that looked like a beach. It was sunny but unfortunately right in between the two stood Hunk holding a small green paladin. This is fine except that we are kissing and no one knows we're a thing. "Pidge it's an easy fix." I grab a pair of space scissors and cut a heart around Keith and lance which cuts Pidge and I out of the pic problem solved. Pidge makes and "o" shape with her mouth. "Thanks." She smiles. "No problem hun." I smile followed by a quick peck. "I've got to finish the cake now." I wave and walk back to the kitchen.

Keith's POV.

"Hey Lance?" I say. I stopped crying a hour ago so we were just watching a movie that lance had at the time we left earth. "Yeah?" He replies tearing his eyes away form the screen. "Can you uhh can you stay the night with me. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." "It's okay Keith," he chuckles "I'll stay the night." He gives me a quick kiss before returning his gaze back to the movie. I, how ever, was still staring at him. I will never get bored of the feel of his soft lips or his laugh that makes me want to fling myself into space or his gentle hands intertwining with mine. He made me feel safe. I smile at him before also turning to watch the movie. Shortly after it finishes we hear a knock on my door. "Keith? It's shiro can I come in?" I hear Shiros voice from the other side of the door. I look up at lance who looks a tad bit concerned "uhh yeah." I reply. I couldn't stay mad at shiro for long but the others were a different story. My door sides open revealing the one and only takashi shirogane. (Did I spell it right?) "Hey Keith and- oh hey lance, um anyway I was wondering if tommorow at 2 you could both come to the lounge. We all feel really bad so we got a surprise for you." He smiles. I smile back besides the fact it was fake as heck. I look at lance again. He nods so that's my queue. "Sure." I say blankly. "Cool. That's all so see you round." He smiles once more then leaves again. "Surprise?" Lance questions from beside me. "Beats me." I reply. "Anyway it's late. We should sleep soon." He changes the subject knowing I don't really want to talk about it. "Okay," I pout causing him to giggle. He kisses me before scooping my up in his tan arms and laying me on my bed with another kiss. This kiss was rough and messy which caused me to moan. He took that chance to slip his tongue in. We fought for dominance. He won to no surprise. We made out on my bed for a while before I pulled away. A string of saliva still connecting us. "Night Keithy boy." He said seductively. "Night lancey lance." I smiled and rested my head on his chest and drifted to sleep.

Lances POV

Ahhhhh so cute, how can he be cute and hot at the same time. Error: lance exe gay ass has stopped working.

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