Mother f**ker

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Lances POV

"KEITH STOP!" I shout but it's to late. He jumps.
"Keith! No no no!" I fall to the ground in a heap of sobs.
"Lance? What happened? Where's Keith?" Shiro asks after finally reaching the top.
"He jumped," I sob. Shiro freezes and just stares at the cliff.

Keith's POV
I feel alive as I let my body hit the water. The cliff isn't high enough to kill me so it feels like when you bellyflop into a cold pool. I don't know why I did it I guess I need to feel something that makes me alive and not well numb. I her Lances sobs from the top of the cliff then something that gives me chills "Lance step away from the cliff!" "If he's gone I'm going with him Shiro!" Dumb ass I want to say something but I can't form words. "Lance stop it now. Imagine your family and friends! What about Voltron?" "Voltron can suck my dick." He says with monotone as he steps off the edge. What did I do?

No one POV
At that moment blue and red come bursting out of the jungle like island and scoop up their paladin. Shiro sighing in relief. Shiro knew Keith wasn't dead as he raised him and he did this kind of stuff all the time. But lance is another story. Lance sucks at swimming and probably would have drowned. Anywho Keith sat shivering and sobbing in red. He nearly killed the boy he loved. Again. Lance on the other hand was yelling at blue to drop him and let him die and be with Keith. 'He's alive lance.' Blue whispered into his mind "that shitheads alive! Mother fucker I nearly died for him and he's alive!" Lance ranted in blue the whole way back to Shiros aka where shiro told their lions to go.
—time skip—
Keith's POV
We got to Shiros but I've been sitting in red for ten minutes simply because I don't want to face him. I hear three loud knocks then Shiros voice in a soft tone asking to come in. Red opens her mouth and lets him come in. His expression changing instantly when he sees the mess I am on the floor. "Keith," he begins with the softest tone " Lance is inside, I think you should talk to him." I just nod beside the fact I don't want to but it's lance we're talking about  I have to eventually. I shakily try to stand. But fail and end up on the floor. " I'll get him to come here how about that." He smiles only to receive another nod. He leaves shortly returning back with a pissed but worried lance. "Talk." Shiro demands then leaves the lion "uhh hey lance," really uhh hey lance idiot Keith you are an idiot. My thoughts are broken as lance wraps his arms around me and begins to sob into my already wet shirt. "I-I thought you d-die Keith." He mummers into the crock of my neck I wrap my arms around him and stroke his hair just like he did that first night when everything started getting fucked up (aka my first chapter) "Lance. I need to tell you something."

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