Too gay to function

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Keith POV

Holy cow Lance kissed me. Error Keith exe has stopped working. "L-Lance!" I whine hiding my flustered face into the soft fabric of the blanket. "You're really cute when your flustered," Lance smirked only causing me to go a dark crimson shade. We both snap out of it when we hear a loud noise from outside. "Pidge I told you not to eavesdrop!" We hear Shiro yell. Instantly reds mouth open causing a certain green bean to fall onto her face. "Lance, Keith what a coincidence seeing you here," she giggled with an innocent look plastered
onto her face. "Out." Lance mumbles. She lets out on more childish giggle then runs away.

Lance POV

"Out." I mumble to the nose pidgeon as she gets off the ground and begins running away with a small chuckle. I turn around to face Keith only to see he's furious. "Keith?" I ask only receiving silence. He gets up and walks out or the lion. Leaving me sitting there like a idiot. What's wrong with him?

—timeskip till back on castle—

Keith hasn't talked since we got back onto the castle. He started coming to get his dinner only to instantly leave but today he hasn't left his room at all. "Lance!" Shiro calls. I snap out of my thoughts to face him. I make a noise that resembles a yeah "can you give Keith his food?" He asks sliding a plate of green goo towards me. "Sure!" I smile taking the plate and begin to leave the kitchen. I wonder what's up with Keith he has been really out of it lately and gone back to his emo state. Before to long I reach the familiar door of Keith's room. "Keith?" I knock lightly. No reply. "Keith." I say more sternly this time with a firmer knock. Although there was no reply again I did her a faint noise this time. "I'm coming in." I announce before sliding the door open and shutting it behind me. His room is empty and dark with only his red jacket hanging from the hook beside the door. His bed was neatly made and, oh shit he's asleep. I was about to leave when I heard the noise again. It was like a whimper mixed with a sob. "Lance no" he mutters through tears. He's dreaming? I place the food down on his bedside table then sit myself onto the edge of the bed. He's facing the wall and clinging onto his pillow and I have to admit if he wasn't crying he would look adorable. Now isn't the time to be gay Lance! I mentally tell myself off. There's a loud bang and Keith whimpers again and grips his pillow tighter. Fuck it. I think as I sliver into the bed beside him and wrap my arms around him. One pulling him into my chest, the other gently stroking his hair. "It's ok Keith. I got you." I whisper. I continue stroking his soft, black mullet until another loud bang happens and he bolts up and snaps awake while gasping for air. "L-Lance," He sobs as warm tears fall off his face onto the blanket. "It's okay Keith." He frantically looks around his room before meeting my eyes again. "I'm scared." His voice cracking as the words spew out his mouth. "Keith." I sit up opening my arms which is an offer he almost instantly takes as he wraps his arms around me and sobs into my chest. I feel his tears sleep through the fabric of my shirt. I don't care. I just want to help him. "I-I can't d-do it for much l-longer Lance," he chokes. "Do what?" I'm worried now. "Seeing you d-die. Again and again. I can't stop seeing it!" He screams through his tears. "I'm not dead, Keith look at me." I say as I grab his hand which is surprisingly soft. I place his hand onto my chest where my heart is. "See. My hearts beating. I'm alive Keith okay. What happened wasn't your fault. You just wanted to help and finish the mission. You didn't know. It's okay now. Okay." Keith just cries into me for a while longer. He eventually speaks after he cried all his tears out. "Stay." Is all he says but it seems to mean a million words to me. "I will never leave you." I reply while giving him a short but passionate kiss. His lips were wet from tears that tasted salty. I will never get sick of how perfectly his lips fit into mine. I pull away and look at him with loving eyes. Sometime after we must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I remember is waking up in his bed with him laying on my chest. I lay staring at the beautiful sleeping boy for what felt like forever before the darn alarms went off and ruined the moment and his sleep. "Wha?" He questions with the most adorable morning voice I have ever heard. Gosh I love this boy. "Morning paladins!" Allura's voice chimes over the coms. "Breakfast is ready!" Hunk yells from the kitchen. "Yas!" I cheer as a confused Keith follows me out the door. All is good until. Oh quiznack. "H-Hey Pidge."

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