Chapter 6~

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Enjoy! Xo


We walked back into the lounge room but there was one important thing missing there; Connor was gone, once again.       

~~~Chapter 6~~~

I spun my head, around the room, scanned every part of the lounge. His bags were stilling lying on the floor and he probably wouldn’t have left them there if he were leaving, like last time.

I ran up the stairs and searched the whole house. He was nowhere to be seen.

I was in the bathroom and closed the door, sighing.

“Hey, It’s okay. He’s gonna come back,” Nate said softly in front of me.

“I guess.”

I considered the fact of telling Nate that Connor was a mythical creature roaming the Earth, sucking blood. But, of course, that idea was whipped away from my head when Connor appeared in the lounge room doorway, two hours after he had left.

I needed to discuss with him the rules of vampire kind? I’m not sure what I was thinking but, something along those lines.

“We’re busted,” he said, exasperatedly.

“What? What are you talking about?” I was confused all over again.

I got confused easily, please don’t judge me.

“Seth can sense where I am and he wanted to drag me off to somewhere, and came here. But once he got here he could sniff out your scent. Now, they’re bitching to me how I shouldn’t have any communication with you.”

“What’s going on?” Nate asked, oblivious to the fact that he was standing in a room with a vampire, discussing vampire – I guess? – problems with a human.

“Oh crap, I forgot a human was here,” Connor blurted out stupidly. I inwardly did a faceplam and closed my eyes. “God-dammit.”

 “What are you talking about? Linda?” Nate asked.

“I’m just gonna tell him,” Connor exasperatedly exclaimed. “I’m already in deep shit. Make him promise he won’t tell anyone. He’ll listen to you.”

I gaped at him. My eyes bulged and mouth wide opened.


“Get him to promise he won’t tell anyone.”

Connor seemed so calm about everything. His fringe was slightly brushed to the side and his eyes were a much darker shade of green then before.

“Nate, can you promise you won’t ever tell anyone what he’s – we’re – about to tell you?”

“What’s going on here? Yes, okay okay, I promise.”

“Are you sure he’ll keep his word?” Connor asked seriously.

“He always does.”

Connor launched into a little recap of what he told me. Except, very less detail. It was practically a rushed summary. Once we finished, Nate seemed awfully I don’t know – happy?  About things.

I looked towards him and realised; he had always believed in mythical creatures. He had told me, when we were little that they did exist but, by then, I was really pissed at Connor so I said that there was no such thing and that he shouldn’t be so childish.

I did feel bad after lying to him. He was my best friend, brother, and I never liked to lie to him. I hardly ever lied to him. I hated lying to anyone. But some things just had to be kept hidden, sometimes people just couldn’t know, no matter how close you were to them.

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