34. Finally Out

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A week later:

"You can take her home today itself. I will discharge her by evening." I overheard the doctor speaking to my mother.

She walked up to me and said, "Riley, I've got good news! We're going back home today!"

"Home? Yeah that's awesome" I said in a rather unhappy tone. "What happened? You sound sad" My mom said, finally being able to look at me. "Nothing it's just, that place reminds me of Vincent and everything he did..."

"Riley! Can I speak to your mom for a moment?" I heard Natalie say. "Umm yeah sure" I said as I wondered what they were keeping from me. They came back in a while. Natalie's face was glowing. I hadn't seen her this happy since Cameron asked her to Prom.

"What is it?" I asked as a tiny smile crept up my face. "I have decided that you no longer have to stay here. This town is horrible ,Riley and you're all grown up now too so I think you and Natalie should get a place of your own somewhere out of this city. I already spoke to Mrs. Sears and she thinks it's a great idea. It's going to be hard to let you go but it's what's best for you." Mom said as she held my chin in her hand. "I love you" I said.

"I'll give you some time alone with Natalie" Mom said and left with her bags. "We're going to live together Riley! Isn't this amazing?" Nat said dancing about in the room.

"Yes Nat! Where are we going? Have you short listed any places?" I asked as I tried doing the steps she was while sitting on the bed. "Yes! We're going to New York! And And And Riley! Guess what? Cameron's there too! We're going to go surprise him!"

She was ecstatic and I was happy too!

"YAYYY!" We screamed but stopped soon after as the nurses came and shouted at us. We tried controlling our laughter but burst out laughing as soon as they left.

The doctor discharged me in the evening and mom took me home. I felt guilty and horrible. She had to put me into the car and get me out. She had to carry all my bags. The only thing I could do was direct the wheelchair.

We reached home and mom brought me out of the car. I sat in my wheelchair and stared at it. The dreadful memories came back. Mom pushed me in and I waited down in the hall as she went up and got my clothes, my laptop and all the necessary stuff I needed for New York. She brought two huge suitcases down and kept them against the wall. I was leaving in another 2 days.

I had one last night with mom. We went to the guest bedroom because none of us wanted to sleep in the same bedroom as Vincent had and I couldn't climb up to my room. She hugged me tight and held me throughout as we slept.

I woke up in the morning and jumped into my wheelchair with great difficulty. I got inside the bathroom and brushed. I couldn't see myself in the mirror as it was high above and I couldn't stand. I let out a sigh and had a short but refreshing bath. I had learnt how to have one myself after the horrible experience in the hospital bathrooms.

I got out and slipped into a blue tank top and a jacket to cover my scars along with comfortable pants.

"Riley, are you awake? You've got a visitor!" I heard my mom scream from the kitchen. I wheeled myself to hall and saw him sitting on the sofa.


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