33. Heart Breaker

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I was losing my mind. Every time I had to go to the bathroom, I needed help. I hated being dependent on someone else. I had days when I just had the urge to cut through my skin again, and I did.

I was drowning. All I did the whole day was sleep, cut and sleep. I would drink soup because as you know, food is just not my thing. Yes, I still wanted to be thin. The mean words were still prancing about in my head refusing to leave. Dad...I mean Vincent was gone for good but his words still remained.

"Riley! How are you feeling now?" Said Nat as I turned my head towards her. She looked beautiful as always but there was something peculiar about her that day. I immediately sat up and said, "Nat, what's wrong?" bringing my eyebrows together.

"It's Cam" said Nat. "No ways, did he cheat? No fucking ways! Did Neil's influence get to him too? I am going to beat him up Natalie!" I said screaming and tightening my fists.

"Riley, calm down. He's just..he's leaving. He got a job at a friend's label and he's taking it. We had a huge fight yesterday and he refused to listen. I want him to go Ri, but I'm going to miss him so much! You know how long distance relationships are... They never work." I could see the immense pain in her eyes.

"Nat, sweetie, you know he loves you. You've got nothing to worry about. You could go visit him and vice-versa. Don't worry. When is he leav.." I said as a heavy voice cut me off.

"Now. I'm leaving now. I came to say bye Ri" said Cam, his eyes filled with tears, ready to drop at any moment. Nat stood in a corner and just stared at him, tears flowing down her delicate cheeks.

He turned to Natalie before I could say anything. "Baby I know this is going to be hard. I didn't want to leave you. But this is something I have to do." He went closer to her and held her face in his hands. "I love you Nat..."

He tried kissing her but she turned her face and just stood there letting out a few more tears. "Nat" he whispered. "I'm sorry." He held her shoulders and said. "Does this mean we're over?" She said through her broken voice.

"I'm afraid it does. I'm sorry but you know long distance doesn't work. I'd love for you to come with me or for me to stay but I can't." He said.

"Go. I'm not going to stop you. I understand Cameron. Go." Nat turned around and said while wiping her tears. He hugged her and came up to me.

"Riley Alvinston! Damn I'm going to miss you." He said squeezing me. "And by the time I'm back, you got to get back on your feet!"

"Yeah I'll try. I'm going to miss you too Cam. Call as soon as you reach." I said as he released me from his arms.

Nat spent the next few days with me in the hospital. We didn't talk about Cameron at all. I would bring up the topic occasionally but she would change it every time. It was a cycle.
I comforted her as much as I could and finally got her to speak about him. She vented everything out.

She was heart broken but she was strong and she could push through the pain.

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