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A shiver runs down Caelum's spine as a gust of wind steals his breath away.

He hikes up the scarf around his neck for warmth, but scrunches his nose when he finds dried leaves weaved into the fabric.  As he walks on the pavement, he pulls out a few of the leaves.  A soft noise of frustration leaves his lips when they crumble and leave behind twigs that poke his skin.  Resigned, he lets them be and instead focuses on making it home before his step-dad throws a prissy fit.

It's getting late.

The sun is setting and the orange glow painted on the ground is turning darker with each ticking second.  

As the night draws nearer, the air turns colder.  His breath is a cloud of vapor and the tip of his nose is tinged red.

The fall has never been so biting before.

And it's when he reaches a green light that his hasty steps falter.

The fear inside his chest grows the longer it takes for the light to change.  He doesn't understand why it has to take so ridiculously long when there's barely any cars passing by right now.  No matter how many times he presses the little button on the pole for pedestrian crossing, the light just won't turn.

He's so dead.

Suddenly, a thunderous noise captures his attention.

Caelum's brows furrow as he looks around.  The streets are empty and he's tempted to jay-walk.

Except there's that noise again.

It's accompanied by a soft whine of agony and Caelum's heart clenches at the sound.

He searches around and finds something akin to smoke rising from the alleyway to his right, but he can't see anything.  It's dark and the dumpsters obscure his sight from anything that could be behind.  

He bites his lip, debating on investigating what that was or wondering if he should continue his trek home before he gets the beating of a lifetime.

His hands curl into fists as his heart gives way and he hurries toward the alley, the grocery bag with that night's dinner clutched tightly in his clammy hold.

Light honey eyes peer around one of the dumpsters.  The closer he gets, the stronger the stench of rotting garbage wafts toward his wrinkling nose.

"Hello?" He calls out, voice wavering as he steps deeper into the dark alley, "is anyone there?"


"Hello?" Caelum tries again.

But when no reply comes, he turns to leave, maybe it was just his imagination.

At least that's what he tells himself until, "em pleh."

Caelum stops.

He looks back and his heart nearly stops.

The bag in his grasp falls in his terror.

His eyes grow wide and his breathing grows erratic.

The person-- no the thing, is at least seven feet tall.  Its red rimmed eyes are wide and dark as coal, but glistening with stars.  Its skin is almost grey-ish in color with hints of yellow.  The monster's lips are thin and there's no definable nose aside from two small nostrils.  It's head is round and tapers down into a pointed chin.

Long spindly fingers reach out to him and Caelum stumbles back, falling pathetically against the concrete.

A terrified whimper leaves his mouth as the being approaches him.

He holds his breath.

But nothing happens.

Slowly, carefully, Caelum opens his eyes and finds the being hunched over and whining in what he thinks is pain.

It's then that Caelum sees one of its thin and gangly arms wrapped around itself as if to protect itself. 

A bony(?) hand is pressed against its chest and Caelum can see something ooze and seep between its fingers.  It's blue and purple and Caelum belated realizes it's blood.  Blood? 

"Oh," he breathes, "you're hurt."

Instincts kick in.

He crawls toward the massive thing which cowers at his approach.

"I-It's okay," Caelum assures softly, hesitantly, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Caelum reaches out, scared to touch, to feel the smooth scaleless skin foreign and grey.

However, the instant his fingers touch the spindly hand covering the gaping wound, the skin begins to change.

Before him is no longer a monster.

It looks human, certainly shorter than before and appearing just a shy older than him.

The thing (regardless of its appearance) slumps forward and lands atop of Caelum, crushing him with its weight.

Caelum feels trapped, what should he do?

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