Chapter 9

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Bella P.O.V.

It's Sunday and we have to go to school tommorow, I convinced Damon to come with me. I'm sitting here fiddling with the promise ring Damon gave me,I remember it like it was yesterday.


He got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring that said ' B+D forever ' "Isabella Marie Gilbert this is a promise that I will always love you, no matter what we'll be together forever." He said, I couldn't keep the tears in and of course I said yes "Promise it'll be forever?" I asked "Promise."

~end of flashback~

Damon came up from the basement and over to the couch I was on and sat next to me. "Hey babe." He said "Hey." "Well since today is the last day before we go to this abomination you call school, I got one last night with you all to my self." He said and then he kissed my neck which made me giggle and then we raced up to our room. Let's just say we had a very productive night.


I woke to the sound of a knock at the bedroom door "Damon!Bella!Wake up we're gonna be late!" Stefan yelled "Shut up! Me and Damon yelled at Stefan. I got up and took a shower and blow dried my hair put on dark blue skinny jeans, a red shirt that says ' Team Vampire' , my black converse, and a leather jacket that Damon got me as a late b-day present. Then Damon went in after me and came out wearing all black and his leather jacket. We went down stairs, got a blood bag and left in our car. When we got to the school our whole group of friends called us over"Hey Bella."Everybody was staring at our car, did I mention it's a 2014 Mazda MX-5 Miata. Then I saw them,the people that left me,the ones that broke my heart.The Cullens.

Edward P.O.V.

There she was,as beautiful as ever. Bella got out of the car she was in with some guy and he walked around and let her out of the car and put his arm around her waist. A group of people walked up to her, then she sees us and stiffens. "Is it just me or did Bella get way hotter than before?" Emmet asked, earning a smack from Rosalie. Then the boy she's with mumbles something that I didn't quite catch then she pointed to us, everyone with them turned around and glared at us then walked off. They all walked to the front office to get schedules so we followed.

Damon P.O.V.

We went up to the front office to get our schedules"Name please." "Damon Salvatore." I answered "I'm sorry I don't have anything under your name." She said, I looked into her eyes and compelled her " I think it's all there would you mind checking again." I said and she checked again"Oh, here is your schedule." "Thanks ma'am have a nice day." I put my arm around Bella and whispered in her ear " You gonna be alright?" "Yeah I'll be fine." On our way out we bumped in to the Cullens, and that Edward dude looked pissed "Excuse me,how may I help you?" I said "You can get your hand off my girlfriend." Edward said when he said that all of us laughed( by us I mean tvd crew) "I'm not your girlfriend,you left me remember." When she said that his face was priceless. "You look like you had a brick shoved up your ass." I said we all laughed at that to even some of the Cullens. When he was to shocked to notice we all went around him and headed to class, we all had the same schedule except me I had two class away from everybody. We all went to our first class and everything was fine until my class alone.

A/n I know it's short but I'm busy so cut me a little slack.


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