Chapter 8

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A month later

Edward P.O.V.

I tried the whole Tanya thing and it didn't work out I couldn't get over Bella, I broke up with her 3 weeks ago and she still won't leave me alone,me and my family decided we were gonna move. Alice suggested Mystic Falls virginia because it's kinda like forks,and we all agreed. It's Saturday so when we get there we'll register for school and start Monday.We decided to drive, and with our driving it won't take as long as usual but about 5 hours. On the road it gets boring and with Alice blasting the radio and singing along it gets really annoying. Esme made the decision that she would work at the school maybe be a new principle or nurse we debated and decided on her being the principle. The rest of the ride went on with us arguing about ridiculous things.

****In Mystic Falls****

Esme got us a really nice house it is a condo really,3 floors,5 bathrooms,a big kitchen( not that we'll use it ),20 rooms,and a really big garage (can fit all our cars and then some),and it's all white kinda like our old house in Forks. After we all settled in and unpacked, me, Alice, jasper, Emmett, and Rose all went to a place called mystic grill and I saw her. My Bella.Here in Mystic Falls.

Bella P.O.V.

Me and Damon have been here at the grill for about 2 hours and I'm totally drunk,then the door opened. I smelt a sent and it didn't smell human but I was drunk I'd deal with it tommorow, Damon decided it was time for us to go home so we headed out. In the parking lot I saw a silver Volvo but I payed it no mind, it's probably just a coincidence. Once we got home I was tired so Damon carried me up to our room and sat me in the bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Alice P.O.V.

I can't believe it, my best friend,my sister. Bella is here in Mystic Falls, Edward ran out of the grill(human pace of course) and drove home full speed. He ran in the house furious. "Mom,Carlisle!" He yelled "Yes son?" Esme asked "Bella is here,here in Mystic Falls."

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