Dressed Up Like a Christmas Tree

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"There's no water inside this swimming pool," Ellie commented and stared into the empty pool.

"'Ever Since New York'?" Harry mused as his wife quoted one of his songs, but she kept staring.

"Why are empty swimming pools so sad?" Ellie asked suddenly.

"We'll refill it when we come back in the spring," he reassured her with a quick kiss on the cheek and returned to packing.

"I know, but..." she continued to stare at the dehydrated pool. "It's just going to sit there, unfilled, all winter. What if a frog jumps in it and can't get out?" Ellie asked with concern.

"Have you ever seen a frog jump in our swimming pool before?" Harry laughed, but continued packing up the few things left. "They'll put a cover on it when after it's been resealed. Then, it'll just look like we've put the cover on the pool for the night, and you won't even know it's empty."

"And the frogs can't get in," Ellie nodded, feeling content with this explanation.

"Except this frog," Harry surprised her with a hug from behind, causing Ellie to giggle.

"My frog prince," she laughed as she realized what he meant. "Well, I'd hate for you to fall in the empty pool, too."

"We'll be far away in London, so no swimming pool for frogs or frog princes to get stuck in." He reassured her, and looked around the room. "I think we're done."

Ellie looked around the empty room and started to cry. "Oh Harry, it's so empty."

He rushed to her side to comfort her. "It's not empty, see?" He led her to a couch and sat them both down on it. "All the furniture is still here."

"Yes, but all the stuff that makes it ours -everything that gives it life- is gone."

"Don't worry, we'll bring it all back in the spring. Until then, the house is just sleeping." Harry rubbed her back and wondered how much longer her mercurial emotions were going to last -for the next three months of her pregnancy? He hoped not.

After visiting Ellie's family in Ottawa for a week, they took another long flight across the Atlantic to London, first, before heading up to Harry's hometown to spend Christmas with his mom and sister. They arrived after dark, so as not to draw attention, and kept Ellie bundled up to hide the baby-bump in case someone should catch a glimpse of them (though, at seven months, it was getting harder to hide it).

"Oh, look at you!" Anne gushed at Ellie when she removed her layers of scarves and jackets. Anne pulled her daughter in law into a hug. "And look at you, pumpkin!" She said to the baby. "We can't wait to meet you, dear - but take your time, no rush!"

"No, I'd be happy if he hurried up a bit. You sure the due date is in February, and not January? Or, even right now, maybe?" Ellie joked exasperatedly. "Is it really going to get bigger?" She looked down at the ever-growing baby bump. "I look like a whale."

"No you don't, luv." Harry wrapped his arm around her side and kissed her cheek.

"I know exactly how you feel, honey. In fact, I have something to show you." Anne's face lit up as she remembered something. "I'll be right back."

"Okay..." Gemma laughed as Anne rushed upstairs to look for whatever it was. "Anyway, would you like something to eat?"

"Yes, we're starving," Ellie answered, and followed Gemma to the kitchen while Harry brought their suitcases upstairs.

"So, by 'we' you meant you and the baby?" Gemma laughed.

"Of course," Ellie smirked and grabbed a Christmas cookie. "He's always hungry, since he's growing so fast and moves around all the time. I'm so ready to be done with this!"

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