Ellie Gets an Idea

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As the start of Harry's arena tour drew nearer, they both prepared for the many changes that would come from being on the road again. Ellie had spent as much time playing hockey whenever she could, but she knew that have to stop once the tour started. It's not exactly easy to get ice time in random cities around the world - especially since Harry would be performing in many of the ice arenas she could have been practicing in. But, there are many other ways for her to prepare for the upcoming hockey season, and most of them she could do while traveling with Harry on tour.

On a cold March evening, as that first opening tour date loomed in the near future, Ellie received an excited phone call from her mother.

"Calm down mom, what's going on?" She finally interrupted her mom's frantic babbling.

"It's Scott," she started.

"Is he okay?" Ellie began to feel worried.

"Yes, Scott and Viv, they're," her mom continued.

"Mom, are they okay? What is going on?" Ellie finally asked, and heard her mother take a deep breath.

"They're pregnant!" She blurted out, and continued her excited babbling. "They just told us, and I think Scott wanted to tell you himself, but you know how he is with these things - and I was just so impatient because you know I've always wanted grandchildren."

"Yes, mom, I know," Ellie responded without much enthusiasm. She had heard the 'when am I getting grandkids?' question from her mom for....as long as it was considered acceptable for her to have children. Of course she knew her daughter had a career that conflicted with having children, but that never stopped her from asking (politely, of course).

"They're due in September, around the 20th," her mother continued.

"That's good, it's before the season starts." Ellie commented.

"The what?" Her mom paused for a moment.

"Well, the pre-season usually starts around then, so it's before the regular season begins." Ellie explained.

"Oh, it's always about hockey with you, isn't it?" Ellie detected a hint of annoyance in her mother's tone, but then she laughed it off. "So I suppose I'm not going to be lucky enough to get a grandchild from you anytime soon?"

"Mother!" Ellie was shocked, but laughed. "We're busy, and young - so we're not in a hurry."

"I'm sorry, you're right, I'm just a bit excited." Her mom seemed to calm down. They ended their conversation soon after, and Ellie returned to working with her physical trainer.

"What did your mom have to say?" Her trainer, Tracy, asked.

"My brother's having a baby," Ellie answered quickly.

"Oh! That's so exciting!" Tracy gushed, and talked about the time her first niece was born, and how amazing it was to have a child in the family. "She's really just the cutest now, about two and a half I think." She concluded, and noticed Ellie didn't seem very interested. "I'm sorry, am I boring you?"

"No, sorry, I didn't mean to offend. My mind is just elsewhere at the moment. Can I ask you a question?" She turned to face Tracy.

"Sure, what is it?" Tracy sat down next to her.

"Have you ever thought about having children?" Ellie asked, feeling a bit awkward to bring this up.

"Well, sure. I guess that's something a lot of people think about in life." Tracy nodded. "Personally, I think I'd like to be married, or in a committed relationship first."

"But," Ellie paused to make sure she worded this correctly. "Given your occupation, you would have to take some time off, or stop working completely."

"Oh," Tracy laughed. "I see what you're getting at. Yes, in the last trimester or so, I should probably not be her helping people lift weights, but as long is it's a normal, healthy, pregnancy, I don't think I would have to give up working completely."

Ellie nodded and thought for a moment. "So - hypothetically - I could maybe, not even miss a whole season..."

"Considering the NWHL season is only about three months, I'd say if you timed it right you could do it. While hockey is a contact sport, women's hockey tends to be less violent and you could probably play for a month or two without issue. Consider this, Serena Williams won the Australian Open while about eight weeks pregnant." Tracy offered, and smiled.

"True." Ellie nodded, and stood up. "Okay, enough of this for today." They got back to her workout, but Ellie was deep in thought the rest of the afternoon.

Harry noticed Ellie seemed a bit distant at dinner and asked her what was up.

"It's Scott," she said, eyebrows still drawn in thought,

"Is he okay?" Harry seemed concerned.

"He and Viv are having a baby in September." Ellie explained, still maintaining the same thoughtful expression.

"That's wonderful! You're going to be an auntie!" He grinned and patted her on the shoulder. "I guess I'll be an uncle, too. Uncle Harry...I like the sound of that." He smiled off into the distance as he imagined his future niece or nephew. "Do they know the sex yet?"

"I think it's too soon; don't people usually wait until 20 weeks to know for sure?" Ellie asked, and realized Harry was staring at her. "I mean, I think, maybe? I don't know..."

"Elloise, have you been looking into this?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, but an endearing look in his eyes.

Ellie shrugged and continued eating. "Maybe." She finally said.

Harry kept looking at her carefully for the rest of dinner, but she didn't give any hint to her thoughts. As he was cleaning up the dishes, Ellie joined him in the kitchen and leaned on the counter near the sink where he was working.

"You know, Harry, I've been thinking," she started, and Harry's ears perked up like a cat hearing a can opener.

"Yes? About what, love?" He asked, and wondered if this could be it - if she was finally ready.

"I feel like something is missing from our lives, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, until recently." She continued, and Harry waited with bated breath. "I was at the gym - with Tracy - and on the way home I saw an ad for an animal shelter."

Harry exhaled a breath of disappointment, but tried to hide it. He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up like that, and put on a smile to face Ellie again. "Oh really, and?"

"And I'd like to get a cat!" Ellie smiled brightly, and seeing her this happy cleared away any thoughts of disappointment Harry might have had.

"To replace your cat Gretzky, right?" He nodded. "I think that would be a lovely idea."

"His name was Wayne, but yes. Maybe we can go to the shelter and pick one out together." Ellie leaned closer and kissed Harry's cheek before heading back to the dining room to grab the rest of the dishes.

'Patience, Harry.' He thought. 'You're both young and have a lot of time...' 

A/N: Sorry this chapter is short, but I hope you are enjoying this story so far! It's a little different to write than 'Harry Who?' so I hope you still like it. I'm generally making it up as I go, so I'm open to suggestions! : )

(Also, I can't remember what Ellie's mom's name is, or if I ever gave her one. I checked a few chapters in Harry Who to see if I mentioned it, but I couldn't find anything, so I might have to give her a name now)

The kitty in the header image is actually my cat, Zelda : )

As always, thank you for reading, voting, and commenting!

  ​PS. I just saw the new Star Wars, and I loved it! :D​​​​  

Harry Styles-Wilson: Hockey Husband [Sequel to Harry Who?] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now