Valentine's Day

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Harry was not sure how Ellie would feel about this. "Are you sure?" He asked, and the PR representative from his team nodded.

"It's Valentine's Day, and people would love to see it - if you're okay sharing it, of course." They explained, and Harry thought about it a bit more before nodding and parting ways. As he returned to their hotel room, he tried to think of the best way to bring this up to Ellie. Should he ask her, or just tell her he's going to do it?

No, he thought as he shook his head, he has to ask her. They're in this together now, and he didn't want to ruin their first Valentine's Day together as a married couple by doing something she wouldn't want.

"Harry!" Ellie jumped up and ran over to him with a big smile when he returned. "There you are; I woke up and you were gone." She gave him a kiss and returned to the table where breakfast was waiting.

"I woke up early, and headed to the gym for a bit." Harry sat down and inspected the food with curiosity.

"Local food," Ellie explained. "I figured we should try some while we're here."

Harry nodded. "That's a good idea. So, it's Valentine's Day," he paused, and Ellie smiled brightly again.

"Yes! I'm excited! I know we already exchanged gifts - well, kinda." She laughed, since the tattoo she had gotten for him was still on her hip, and they wouldn't be exchanging either of the gifts they'd gotten for each other. "But, I still want today to be special. Did you have anything planned?"

Harry thought for a moment, thrown off course by her question. "Maybe, um, like dinner?"

"Dinner would be nice, I don't know if you want to go out or not." What Ellie really meant was, can he go out - just the two of them. At each Olympic event, they'd been accompanied by a security guard who kept a respective distance, and if they went out with any of Ellie's teammates, the crowd they were with usually didn't notice or care that he was there. But if they went out on their own, somewhere away from the Olympics, they (he) might get noticed.

"I have had my eye on a place, actually," Harry answered, and the start of a smirk formed on his lips. "You know the song 'Gangnam Style'?"

"I don't live under a rock, Harry," Ellie teased.

"Well, you didn't know who I was when we met," he retorted, and smiled teasingly.

"I'm still not entirely sure who you are..." Ellie joked, but Harry's smile wavered, and his eyes lost a bit of their glimmer. "Oh...too soon?" Ellie's smile melted when she realized why Harry reacted that way.

Harry didn't think he'd ever forget the look in her eyes - the lack of recognition - as she looked up at him in the ambulance after hitting her head during a game, and with blank eyes asked 'Harry who?' But he wasn't going to let that ruin their day, so he shook his head and forced a smile. "No, you're here now." He reached over to place a hand on the side of her face and tapped her temple with his index finger. "Well, mostly," he teased, and ran his thumb across her cheekbone before removing his hand.

"Very funny," Ellie said sarcastically. "So, anyway, you want to have a Gangnam style Valentine's Day?" Ellie was confused.

"Kind of." Harry laughed. "It's actually an area in Seoul, and I thought it would be fun to spend the day there."

"It would be nice to see other parts of South Korea while we're here." Ellie agreed.

"We could be tourists." Harry smiled, and added, "together."

"So, you can go out like a regular person?" Ellie asked.

"I'll wear a hat." Harry shrugged.

"Not that hat you always wear - everyone recognizes you in that."

Harry Styles-Wilson: Hockey Husband [Sequel to Harry Who?] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now