Harry, Ellie, and the Big Surprise

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"You knew, didn't you?" Harry asked as he and Ellie lay in bed together after 'celebrating' the news.

"What?" Ellie froze and worried that he'd somehow found out that she had in fact received the phone call a few minutes earlier than she'd let on.

"Just like, intuition, you know? You were so calm about it, you must have know somehow -internally- that you were pregnant." Harry explained.

"Oh, um," she relaxed back into his secure embrace. "Maybe. The whole missed period thing was kind of a red flag, but I guess that can happen for various other reasons. There have been a few random food cravings, though."

"Really? Like what? Whatever you want, I'll get it for you - no matter what time it is, I'll run to the store or wherever and get you whatever you two want," he said to Ellie, and her tummy.

She smiled and laughed at him before responding. "Maybe it's my body's way of telling me I should return to Canada, but...poutine." She bit her lip to keep from grinning.

"Really?" Harry opened his eyes wide. "I guess this baby is truly Canadian."

"Well, it's at least half," Ellie laughed. "I guess we'll find out if how Canadian it is if it wants to play hockey or not."

"Oh, I hope not," Harry shook his head, suddenly serious. "I don't think I could stand the stress of that. What I've gone through with you playing hockey was bad enough, but....a kid, a child, that I created, out there risking a concussion -or worse- for sport?" He shook his head and stared off into space, deep in thought.

"Harry, kids face dangers like that every day. Just riding in a car, or crossing the street, could hurt them as much as playing hockey." Ellie said, not helping Harry's predicament. "But we have long time before we need to worry about that." Ellie smiled comfortingly, and rolled over to cuddle Harry until they fell asleep.

The next night, before his second show at Madison Square Garden, Ellie approached Harry in his dressing room. "Hey," she sat down next to him.

"What's up?" He asked and held her hand.

"Harry, can you promise not to say anything about the baby yet?" Ellie looked him in the eyes.

"Oh, um..." His eyes grew wide and he stared off behind her.

"Harry, you didn't put this on twitter, did you?" Ellie chastised him.

"No, nothing like that. I told my mum, though." Harry nervously bit his lip.

"Well that's okay, I guess," Ellie smiled.

"Why shouldn't we tell anyone?" Harry asked.

"It's still very early, and they say you're not supposed to tell anyone or announce it until after the first trimester." Ellie explained. "Until we know everything is...okay."

"Oh, right." Harry nodded and bit his lips, getting what she was hinting at.

"The less people we tell now, the less we'll have to backtrack if, you know, it doesn't go well." She didn't want to have to say that, but it was the reality of the situation. She gave him a reassuring hug and changed the subject. "How did Anne take the news?"

"She is over the moon! She cried for probably 20 minutes after I told her. Well, we both cried," Harry amended, and they laughed. "What about your mum? How'd she react?"

"I haven't told her yet," Ellie admitted with a shrug. "I haven't worked up the nerve to face all of that grandmotherly-excitement again."

"Maybe she won't be quite as exuberant this time, since it's not the first?" Harry suggested with a smirk.

Harry Styles-Wilson: Hockey Husband [Sequel to Harry Who?] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now