Chapter 17

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! here's the first chapter for 2019 😁

Having the kids not here with me makes me feel so lonely but it also gives Taylor and I a chance to see each other more. The second we're apart, I miss his touch. Not even his touch but just his presence. Maybe it's because I'm feeling lonely or maybe it's because I really do like Taylor.

Taylor and I haven't spent a night together since the date the other night but tonight he has planned to stay over. I organised dinner, a movie and some snacks. As it's a school night and I have work tomorrow morning, we can't have a late night which means it's going to be a nice quiet night.

I heard a knock at the door and composed myself before walking over to open it. I knew who it was which is why my stomach became filled with butterflies. I opened the door and he was standing at my doorstep. He stood there with a big grin across his face. He wasted no time in kissing me.

"Best greeting I've ever received. Hi!"

"I couldn't help myself, I've ugh.. I've kind of missed you" Taylor said shyly.

"Aren't you cute" Taylor loudly cleared his throat after I spoke. "I missed you to"

"Good. May I come in?"

I moved out of the way and Taylor walked right in. I followed him to the living room. When I caught up to him he reached out for my hips and pulled me towards him. We leaned in closer to each other and our lips met ever so lightly. I smiled against his lips and pulled away.

I walked over to the couch to turn down the tv volume and turned around when I heard Taylor speak.

"Where should I put my bag?" I told him he can leave it in my room if he wishes. He rushed to my room to get rid of his bag and came back over to me, wrapping me up in his warm embrace from behind me. He moved my hair off my neck and covered it in gentle kisses.

I was giving into the kisses and lost my focus. I heard a sizzling sound and remembered I was making dinner before he arrived. I ran out of his arms and removed the pot lid from the boiling water. I turned to Taylor and sighed.

"So, I thought I would make us dinner instead of getting take out again." I said and Taylor showed off his award winning smile.

"Ahh I wasn't going to bring it up but I was wondering what smelt of disaster," Taylor said and poked his tongue out to show he was just joking.

I ran towards him saying 'that's not nice' but he grabbed me and tickled me. We fell back on the couch and he slowed down his actions. Our eyes now locked. He rubbed his thumb over my cheek and I felt a heat in my stomach grow. Taylor left a soft kiss on my forehead and we sat up.

He's only a few years older than me but he makes me feel younger. He just has a certain vibe and personality that makes you think he is younger than he really is and he brings that to our relationship. It's refreshing and the kids love it to.

"I was wondering if we could spend the night together again tomorrow?" Taylor spoke, breaking the silence.

"Oh that's a good idea. I don't have any marking to do so I'm all yours" I replied to Taylors question smiling. "So what are you up to tomorrow?"

"Well I have to go to Dave's so I was thinking I can drop you at work and pick you up"

"Sounds good. Album going well?" Taylor let out a chuckle when I asked my question.

"Its going great. It sounds good, feels good and I cant wait for you to hear it" Taylor wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

I heard the sizzling sound again and jumped up to check the stove. When I turned the stove off I heard my phone ring. It was Chelsea, my sister. Taylor asked who it is, when I told him he stood up and told me to answer the phone.

I answered the call and Taylor started draining the pasta that was in the pot. How did I get so lucky.

"Hey sis! You busy?"

"Hey Chels, been a while. No was just doing dinner."

"Okay cool sooo are you free tomorrow night to help me with wedding stuff?" Just as I went to speak, I heard Taylor yelp out in pain. "Roooseee you should've told me your boyfriend was over!" I laughed at Chelsea's remark.

"Its fine Chels, really. He's finishing off dinner so we weren't busy. I can pop through tomorrow for sure. 5 okay?"

"You got yourself a keeper Rose. It took Mark 6 months till he helped me make a meal. 5 is great see you then kiss kiss" I said goodbye to my sister and joined Taylor inside.

"Everything okay babe?" Taylor spoke with his thick Laguna accent. I flicked my hair off my shoulder and couldn't help but smile when Taylor called me babe.

"Yes everything is fine, Chelsea just wants my help tomorrow evening." I was still smiling like a freak at what Taylor said and I think he noticed. He tilted his head to the left and asked why I'm so smiley.

"You called me babe. You've never done that before." I walked over to him and he placed his hands on my hips.

"You like that huh?" I nodded my head and he left a light kiss on my forehead. "Well dinner is ready... babe" He winked at me and I threw my head back.


Taylor dropped me off at work and thankfully wasn't spotted. I walked in to see Elle sipping a tea. We updated each other on our lives before we had to go to class. She says she has a good feeling, that maybe a Christmas miracle will be in her favour. Not very long till Christmas. First going to have to get through Thanksgiving.

"So will your boytoy be at the Annual Rose Hudson Thanksgiving lunch?" Elle asked in a rush when the bell went.

"Of course he will be, if he says yes to his invitation. I'm assuming he will already have plans though but we will see." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Roseee! He has to be there. I need to meet him."

"You have met him before." I poked my tongue out and rushed out of the staff room to avoid the interrogation. I got away just in time.

Now I just have to bring up the thanksgiving lunch to Taylor and introduce him to the family as my... boyfriend?

Been a while since I last updated this story but I wrote this before Christmas and finally had the chance to post it now. Enjoy!
will a first family event be coming up for Rose and Taylor? 😉

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