Chapter 14

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Weeks passed. I still talked to Danny every day, but I could see he was different lately. It made me uneasy. I knew how it went once a guy changed...the next step is breaking my heart. And it was so close to my birthday. Danny would be back in a week or two. I missed him a lot. I just wish I could spend tomorrow with him.

I was nervous when he called. Would he break up with me? "Hey Danny!" "Ava!! I miss you so much!" He's so cute it's killing me. I need my Danny back soon... "The lads say I'm starting to go crazy. I swear I saw you on the streets the other day! You don't happend to be in Vienne?" "Nope!" I said laughing and turning the camera around to show him my flat. "So any plans for tomorrow?" "Nope! Might go over to Lucy's house or have Chloe over, not sure yet! I just wish you could be here..." "Me too... But I promise I'll call! And sing Happy Birthday! I promise I'll even sing it in my 'funny accent' for you!" I smiled. I knew it was all I'd get and I was grateful for it. Last year I would've have dreamed of him even know that tomorrow was my birthday. "Well I gotta go catch my flight to the next gig! I'll call at midnight!" Well that was a quick goodbye. So sudden. Why was he so weird lately?

I spent the day, as every year, baking a cake for myself because A: I loved baking, B: no one bakes the cake the perfect for me (except for me 'cause I know what I want), C: no one bakes a cake for me in general... So I stood there in the kitchen all day baking my 26th birthday cake, just as I'd been doing it for the last 16 years.

Bu the time I'd finished, it was 9pm. I took me 8 hours, but I was happy with the cake. I decided to go watch a movie until midnight and then wait for the call from my sister as every year so she coud wish me a happy birthday and then go to sleep.

I watched some random movie, but honestly I didn't care much about what happened. My popcorn was way more interesting. After the movie, I played piano. The duet Danny and I had started together was finally finished. I was so proud, I couldn't wait to show him. I curled up in bed to read after my neighbors came over to complain over me playing piano.

I was pulled out of the book by the doorbell ringing I glanced at the clock. Midnight. My birthday. Who'd come over at this time? I dragged myself out of bed and went to the door. I opened and said: "Wha-" I was going to say 'What do you want?!'

But then I looked up into those hazel eyes that I missed so much. DANNY! I ran into his arms, knocking the present he had to the floor. He pulled me into a tight hug and I feel safe. Happier than I'd ever been before. Tears of joy were running down my face and Danny whispered into my ear: "Happy Birthday Ava! Love you so, so much!" Then he kissed me. I missed him so much and now he's finally back.

I pulled him inside. And we sad down on my sofa. "You-You're here?" I said in disbelief. "I can't believe you're here!!" Danny laughed and said: "How could I just stay away from you so long and then not be there for your birthday?! What kind of boyfriend would I be?" He was perfect. So that's why he's been acting suspicious... He wanted to surprise me..."I love you so much Danny!" I said cuddling up against his chest. "But what about your show?" He chuckled softly and stroked my hair. "There are no more just trusted me blindly and didn't check correctly. There was never a show tomorrow...or next Tuesday..." I laughed. "This is why I have trust issues!" "Now let's get some sleep. Today is going to be fucking awesome!" I drifted off immediately. An awesome birthday, something I've never had in the last 16 years...

I woke up to Danny playing with my hair. "Morning birthday girl" He said softly. "Have I ever mentioned how beautiful your hair is?" I smiled. "No you haven't, but thanks... Cake for breakfast?" "Shit!!! I didn't bring cake..." Danny said, clearly mad at himself. "Danny! You didn't need to brig cake. You came! That's all that matters. I baked a cake!" He looked at me relieved, yet puzzled. "You baked your own birthday cake? Who the fuck does that?" I shrugged. "I want a perfect cake, so I decided to make it myself." He laughed and said: "Next year we'll bake one for you!" Next year. That means he promised he'll stay. There will be a next year...

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