Chapter 12

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It's been a month since Danny left and it still hurt not to see him every day. I missed his smell. His smile. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me.

It was a Saturday. I spent every Saturday with Chloe, so she could help me keep my mind off of Danny, but this weekend was different. Chloe was visiting her family in northern England. She kept saying she wouldn't go if I needed her, but I wouldn't let her waste all of her time on me till Danny came back. But now I was alone and all I could think about was how crazy much I missed Danny. I regretted not begging her to stay.

Danny. His smell. His warmth. His eyes. His laugh. His voice. I missed everything about him. I scrolled through the few pictures I had of us, tears streaming down my cheeks. I had always tried to avoid listening to The Script's music, but I had to. I has been in my life for so mamy years...Hearing Danny's voice was calming and heartbreaking at the same time.

So there I was. Sitting on my bed, missing Danny like hell. I just wanted to hug him again. Kiss him again. He texted a lot and video chatted every day, but it wasn't the same. Wait. Danny wouldn't want me to be like this. He wants me to be happy. I can't be happy without him, but I can try. I jumped up, ran over to my piano and started playing.

Playing piano calmed me down instantly and I was actually enjoying myself. I've kept working on Danny's and my duet and it's not that bad, but obviously it would be so much better if Danny would help me.

After about and hour of playing piano, my mind drifted off to Danny again when I finished playing 'Flares'. I felt the urge to text him and as always, I did...

A: Hey Danny... x

D: Hey Ava! What's up? x

A: I just wanted to say that I love you and miss you soo much xx

D: Love you and miss you too Ava xxx Can't wait to see you again! Hope it's possible to visit soon if we have a longer break!! x

A: you later? xx

I put my phone away. Soon. I hated that word. Is soon tomorrow? In a week? In 2 weeks? In a month? I needed him now!! I decided to go to the park to write. It always helps to write. I've actually quit my job at the newspaper and started writing my own book. It's so good to get all of my emotions onto paper and to build a story around my feelings.

I always sit at our bench, the bench where we first meet. Where Danny saw me crying almost one and a half months ago...And today I sat there crying again. I tried to write, but I couldn't. Today was just one of those days I needed Danny, so I cried again. Curled up in a ball on the bench, with no Danny anywhere near to come and calm me down...

Still shaking and crying, I dragged myself home somehow and called Danny, but he didn't pick up. He always answers. Why was everything going wring today?! Why can't I live one day without Danny?! I tried again and again and answer.

Finally, after trying to call him 10 times without any success. I called Mark, who picked up right away...

Instantly I said: "Mark! Finally..."

Surprised by my joyous gretting, Mark replied: "Ava! So nice to hear from you!! How are-" He paused and looked at his phone closer. "Have you been crying Ava?"

I nodded silently. Suddenly Danny's head popped up next to Mark's.

"Who are you talking to?" Then Danny saw me. "Oh Ava...hey! Is there a reason why you called Mark and not me?" He asled taking Mark's phone and walking away, leaving Mark alone and a bit confused.

I explained: "I tried to call you, but you didn't answer..." "My phone must've died..." he said pulling it out of his pocket and holding it into the camera. "Yupp! I'm gonna charge it now!"

He turned back to the camera and asked: "So what's up?" I took a deep breath and said: "I-I just miss you so so so so much right now. I can't stand being away from you any longer... I-" My vpice cracked and I starting crying. Just hearing his voice overwhelmed me, but not hearing it killed me. Seeing him but not beung near him brike my heart, but not seeing him at all shattered it. I was helpless. I needed my Danny. In person. Not on video.

"Hey Ava...please don't cry. I can't bear to see you cry and be able to run over and hug you. I'll be back soon. The time will go faster if you have fun... I wish I was with you too and it's hard not to just cancl the next show and come back to you, especially when I see you like this, but we have to get through this. Try to have some fun with Chloe or alone-" Suddenly someone in the background shouted: "Danny! Soundcheck in 5... Of you're late again I'll-" "Just a minute!!" Danny yelled back. "Danny I love you!" I said. "Love you so much too Ava, but I have to go to you tomorrow!!!" Then he hung up and my screen when black. No more Danny for today.

I decided to try to amuse myself, afterall I couldn't waste 3 months of my life just cause Danny wasn't here. Although that would be a good excuse...

I played some piano to clear my head before deciding to head out fir a walk and some pizza. By the I got home, it was pretty late, but I was tired and actually relaxed. I fell into bed and drifted off. It was the first time I slept calmly in the last month.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was 3am...who on earth would call me so early?!

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