Chapter 3

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Aoife's POV

I walked over to the table where Dara was folding some shirts and decided to help her.

"I wonder how those videos are doing?!" Dara exclaimed, barely able to contain herself.

"We are youtube famous now which is pretty cool I guess, I checked this morning." I replied, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

Dara eyes went wide. "Aoife, we could make it big if someone sees it!"

"Well, let's not get our hopes up, we don't want to be devastated if it doesn't work out.  Back to work you!" I said wiggling my finger playfully at her.

"Party pooper!" Dara yelled, sticking out her tongue and continuing to fold the sea green Jack Wills logo shirts before her.

 I looked around the store; there were few customers, but we were in the very back of the store.  Since we were the only two working this morning, I had the urge to ask Dara if we could work on the front, so we could make sure no one would steal anything.

I hoped one day maybe we might make it into the high-up music business, but I'm just too scared of setting my expectations high and then crashing to the ground.  However, I know Dara will beside me through it all; she has through everything. We tell each other everything.  

Well, not everything. You know those secrets that you can't even tell your very best friend?  Yeah, I have one of those.

I pushed back the blonde strands of hair out of my face and turned around to fold the rest of the shirts. I turned around to see two boys standing in the doorway of the store, scanning the room.  Their eyes came to rest on us.

I fixed my gaze on them, and that's when I realized who they were.  

Niall Horan and Zayn Malik were standing in our store.  This was a long-time dream of ours; abandoned once we realized the chances of that happening were close to none.  I froze and looked over at Dara, whose eyes were locked with Zayn's.  She had a look of such passion on her face, it was like her entire world had stopped, and it revolved around Zayn.  

I loved seeing her happy like that.

I practically choked after what happened next - Niall waved at me!  I smiled at him, fighting the urge  to fangirl and run to them screaming.

Aoife, do not fangirl.  You have to play it completely cool.

Zayn took a step towards us, with an excited and confident smile, before Niall pulled him back.  They talked for a minute, Zayn's face fell, and they walked right out of the store.  Zayn, being pulled by his hood by Niall, turned around and sent a lingering look to Dara, offering a sad half-wave.  Why did Niall walk away? Did I scare them off?

Me and Dara exchanged glances before breaking out into a HUGE fangirl session- we squealed and jumped up and down, earning scared sidelong glances from customers.

We turned around to see our boss staring at us, chuckling and motioning for us to get back to work.

We nodded before composing ourselves and heading back to work.


Niall's POV

I watched Zayn take a step in the girls' direction, but I pulled him back, chickening out.  To be honest, I thought Aoife was so beautiful, I felt intimidated; like she might actually turn me down.

"Zayn, we can't do this.  What are we going to say, 'Hey I saw your videos on youtube and I think you're fit!?'" I whipser yelled.

Zayn looked back before biting his lip. "I guess your're right.  We have to meet them sometime though."

He looked back at me and smirked, as if a lightbulb went off inside his head.

"I've got a plan. Come on, let's go!" Zayn smiled, letting me tug him out of the store in a rush.

A plan?! Let's hope this goes well; a few of Zayn's plans have failed before but I'll just have to trust him on this one.

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