I Miss Him

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My dad called me earlier telling me that I have to go to the grove with Logan and Sophia. We have to act all coupley and I hate it! Logan told me to wear the ring because he was going to wear it to. Did I tell you that I woke up with the ring in my finger? No? Well I did! Today I have a plane flight with my parents and Sophia. We are leaving at midnight to the airport. My dad wanted this to be early before we left. I took a shower this morning and did my makeup. I than chose my outfit. I walked over to Sophia's room and helped her get changed. I brushed her hair and left it down.


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We walked to the living room and sat next to Erika who was vlogging

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We walked to the living room and sat next to Erika who was vlogging.
J. Hey Goats!
Erika smiled. She turned off the camera and looked at me.
E. Where you going?
J. "Date"
I said while air quoting the word date
E. I'll be at the Team 10 house
J. Alright, lets go Sophia.
I grabbed Sophia's hand and we got on my car. We were meeting Logan their.

We arrived at the grove and I parked my car. I got out and helped Sophia out. A guy with a camera surrounded me who I assume is Paparazzi but I ignored them. Logan was sat outside in a bench taking pictures with fans. The guy was still following us.
She let go of my hand and ran over to Logan. Logan looked over and picked up Sophia. He showered her face with kisses. I smiled and walked over.
L. Hey
J. Hey
P. Logan, do you plan on having kids with your girlfriend Julianna?
He looked at me and smiled
L. Yeah, of course. Not right now though. We are still young
I smiled
Logan pecked me in the lips. Because as you know, we have to go along with us "dating". Logan interlinked fingers with me while he carried Sophia in his other arm. We walked towards a couple stores.
L. So, you liked the ring!
J. Stop!
I said while smiling
S. He gave you a ring! Your getting married!
Logan and I laughed
L. We're not getting married! I gave her a promise ring!
S. Promise ring?
J. Yeah, a promise ring is like a symbol of love. It shows how much you love each other in a way.
S. Wait, you to are together?
L. U-uh n-
Logan looked at me and I shrugged. Sophia screamed
J. Whats wrong?
Logan and I laughed
L. She sure knows how to scare the shit out of people!
S. Give me a dollar!
L. What?
I laughed
J. I told Sophia if she ever hears me saying a bad word that I would give her a dollar.
L. Darn!
Logan grabbed his wallet and gave Sophia a dollar. I laughed
S. I got a dollar! I got a dollar! I got a dollar! Hey hey hey hey!
I laughed
J. Shes a little rascal herself!
Logan laughed

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