Chapter 18

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It's the next day morning and Harry was excited to spend some time with his new interest Zayn. He woke up at 8:30 in the morning, got dressed to impress his best friend and came out if the room being really shy. He was constantly blushing and he doesn't even know why

When he came out of the room he didn't see Zayn in his kitchen.

"Zayn?" He called out wondering where Zayn has been

He slowly get upstairs and knocks on Zayn's bedroom. But he notices that the door wasn't locked from inside. He slowly pushes the door inside and he finds no one.

"Zayn where are you?" He talked out and every second he started to worry more

Soon Harry finds a paper placed on the bedside. Harry picks up the piece of paper, hands trembling and and slowly reads whatever written inside

"Dear Harry,

    I know that you are totally confused about this situation, let me explain.

Yes, I ran out of this house. Not only this house but out of this city. I am so sorry that you are finding it out like this but I don't have enough guts to look at you in the eyes and say what I'm about to say. So I chose this method like a pussy, yes I'm a coward person Harry.

I know we kissed, and trust me it's one of the greatest moments in my life but I'm sure in your case it's the least favourite. I'm sorry if I did anything that I shouldn't do. I know for a fact that you deserve better unlike me, I'm a bad guy and you don't deserve a bad guy. I don't even know what to say to you

I won't say much but I am running away from the future I've always dreamt of

Yours truly,

Harry doesn't know why he is crying at the end of the reading. He read twice and thrice making sure that it isn't a joke or a prank but knowing Zayn, he would never do pranks like this.

He heard a car honk coming from outside and he rushed towards the door hoping it was Zayn

When he opened the door, he wasn't completely disappointed knowing that he needs Niall with him now.

"What happened to you Harry?" He asked as he came out of his car

Harry spoke nothing, he simply handed the paper over to Niall and let him read

"I hate him" Harry spoke, his eyes forming tears

"I hate him so much, why did he do that. If he doesn't like me then I'm fine but running away from this place just to escape me? Am I that bad?" He couldn't believe that Zayn could do this to him

"Get in the car Harry, I need to tell you something, it's high time"

Harry didn't say anything, he didn't protest. He nodded his head slightly and got in the car wondering what will happen to him in the future


Zayn thinks that the best thing to do is to leave everything behind and move out. Last night was the worst night he ever had. He made Louis upset, his inner voice didn't stop. He lost control over his anxiety and when gave up his hope of being with Harry forever

What could be more painful than that

So he woke up early in the morning and packed his stuff and started towards his grandmothers house, which is in Bradford

The only this that kept going in his mind that how he let Harry down and he couldn't forgive himself for what he did.

He slowly knocked on the door to a really small house and then appeared his grandmother

"Zayn?" He smiled when she saw his grandson

"Ha ma, it's me" he got inside the house and sat on the couch

"What happened Zayn? You don't look good" she sat next to him and started to rub his back

"It's a long story ma" Zayn sighed

"I've got all the time" she replied

"Ok, few weeks ago, lou had sadly passed away and I kinda moved in with Harry. Then I started to see and feel Louis around and all of the sudden, he appeared infront of me and we started to have nice conversation. Then two days ago, I kissed Harry and he was fine with it. All this time I didn't have any voices in my head. But last night, Louis showed up and kinda started to talk shit about me and how Harry deserves better than me. I couldn't stop the voices so I needed you and here I am" Zayn sighed

"That much happened,and you didn't even tell me anything?"

"With all this, I didn't have any time ma" he spoke hanging his head down low.

Zayn' grandma is his rock. She is the most supportive person he have in his life. When he came out to his parents, it sadly didn't go well. He was thrown out of his place and he then he stayed for few months with her. He tried to gulp that pain down and took stand for himself and tried to live his own life since then. Alone.

With him coming back to this place he wishes that everything would go back to normal.

Ma came back from the kitchen with a tea in her hands and gave it to her grandson "take a sip my son, you're going to be alright, you've been through a lot and god will return everything to you in the form of happiness and a bundle of joy" she smiled and Zayn hoped it would become true

He went to the bed thinking everything happened with his life recently, the appearance of his dead best friend and kissing the love of his life. They both were the highlights.

He closed his eyes and to sleep but his anxiety didn't let him have any. So he just closed his eyes and prayed. He prayed that he didn't have to open his eyes anymore.


Don't kill me 😅

Thank you for 4k+ reads and lol my book is in #4 in bottom Harry 😅😊😎😍😙😘😙🤗😚

Thank you for reading this chapter

All the love as always

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