The Prince or the Wolf: Part 14

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Special thank to Scenteno for inspiring this chapter!!!

20 votes and the next part goes up :)


Sage POV

I wake up feeling something soft and fluffy nudging my hand. Soft? Fluffy? My eyes shoot open to see a gigantic wolf looking right at me. I blink a few times to make sure I'm not imagining it and sit up which somewhat hurt my stomach. The wolf was huge. It was taller than me even if I was standing up. It had soft brown fur and brown familiar eyes. this is Aiden as wolf?


He simply nodded

"So this is you in wolf form?"

Again, a nod.

"This is gonna take some getting used to..."

What exactly does one say when they talk to their wolf boyfriend?......Boyfriend. I like the sound of that.

While I was gushing over the fact that Aiden is my boyfriend. He was changing. I could see the fur disappearing and his bones cracking until he was in human form. He was wearing low hanging basketball shorts and no shirt. Against all reason I let my eyes wander over his chest and 6-pack. Can he be more perfect? I was so lost in drooling over his defined chest that I almost didn't hear him chuckle.

"What could possibly be so funny?"

"Nothing, you just look like you've never seen a guy shirtless before."

I didn't know what to say to that so I looked everywhere else but his face. He sits on the bed next to me and kisses my cheek. I blush like a fool.

"Are you hungry?"

Now that he mentions it I haven't ate in a while. Funny how I haven't noticed.

I'm about to nod when I hear a loud crash and growling downstairs. My heartbeat automatically starts to pick up as I see a very pissed off Aiden. He looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"Please wait here. Whatever you do, do not open that door for ANYONE except me. If someone tries opening the door I need you to go in the bathroom. In there is a small trap door on the ceiling. You need to climb up there and stay there until it is safe."

With that he kisses my forehead and runs out of the room slamming the door behind him. I slowly try to get up ignoring the pain in my stomach. I hear more crashing and growling from downstairs and feel my heartbeat in my head. What do I do?!

I knew I was panicking so I took a deep breath and calmed down enough to think clearly. The bathroom. I was walking as fast as I could toward the bathroom door when I hear a growl outside the door. I listen more closely only to hear a yelp then a giant thud making the door slightly shake. My breathing became heavy and everything was turning blurry. I look down and see blood on my shirt. That cant be good. I lift my shirt and see my wound bleeding. Crap!

The door knob jiggles like someone is trying to come in. I try to move but I feel myself collapse on the floor. Black spots are invading my vision as the last thing I see is someone kicking the door off its hinges.

Jean POV

I parked my car just out of view of the house. It reeked of mutt but I could still slightly smell Sage's scent somewhere in there. The same scent I followed from her house to the docks to here. I saw 2 wolves guarding the entrance and 3 guarding the back. I had no doubt there are 20 or more inside. This will be a little more difficult than I thought but I would risk my life to take back Sage. I get out of my car and run through the trees knowing I'm barely visible with how fast I'm going. I jump onto one of the branches of the tree closest to the entrance. With a forceful jump I jump down and knock out the 2 guards before they even have time to react.

I run around to the back and take care of the 3 wolves. Once the entrances are clear I open the back door and can smell where all the wolves are. I move deeper into the house and here many voices coming from one of the rooms. I take a step closer and all the voices go silent.

I guess they know I'm here. I walk over to the room and see over 15 growling wolves looking at me. Their bodies are already shaking with the urge to change. This should be fun.

It took a while but I managed to get upstairs and knock out the last wolf. He was strong but didn't have technique. Probably a new wolf. I managed to get the other wolves to follow a fake scent into the woods. That should buy me some time.

I jiggle the door handle and see its locked. Guess I'll have to break it down the old fashioned way. I take a step back and kick the door off its hinges. Walking in the first thing I see is my world lying crumpled on the floor with blood soaking her shirt. Such an intense feeling of anger raged inside of me. How could I let this happen to my sweet? No. Never again will anyone or anything touch her or cause her harm. She is mine and will always be mine. I kneel next to her too still body and lift her up bridal style. The pack would be back any minute so I should hurry. In a blink I was downstairs and gently putting Sage in the passenger seat of my car. I hear a howl near me and turn to see a huge light brown wolf standing less than 5 feet away from me. His eyes flooded with determination and rage.

"Aiden, my old friend. I cant say it's a pleasure to see you again."

His glare grew deeper

"I would love to stick around and have this little stare down with you but as you can see I must tend to my love."

I started to get in the driver's side of the car but Aiden stopped me by snarling at me already in a fighting stance. Ready to tear me limb from limb. I honestly don't have time for this.

"Let me put it this way for you. If I stay and fight with you then Sage will lose more blood and die but if you let me go now then I will take her to a hospital and she can be saved. The choice is yours."

I stare at him knowing he is going to cave. Not even a minute later he is backing off with his head lowered. Hahaha good dog. I smirk at him before I turn and settle into the car. I look over and see Sage getting pale. Shit!!!!

I turn on the car and speed to the hospital as fast as possible.

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