First Love

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"Hawlucha! Leave me alone! I'm trying to train here!" Frogadier yelled.

"Oh, c'mon I'm training too, y'know. But because of your stupid Water Pulse hit me!" Hawlucha snarled.

"So, it's my fault then? Who's the guy who crash into me with a High Jump Kick first!" Frogadier replied coldly.

"Alright you two! Cut it out! We have training to do here, we've been at the ninja village for a while now. So, you two train hard, kay?" Ash interrupted and they nodded.

Ash and his freinds were invited to Sanpei's village festival and were up for some training. And as usual, both Hawlucha and Frogadier have some 'problems' again.

"Alright, I'll train both of you then! Hawlucha use Flying Press and Frogadier use Water Pulse!" Ash ordered.

Hawlucha soared into the air, his body glows the same colour as his body. He then glide down towards Frogadier. While Frogadier fired a ball of compressed water towards Hawlucha, who quickly flew out of the way before continuing his move.

"Quick! Frogadier, use Aerial Ace!" Ash yelled and Frogadier's arms glowed blue and strikes at Hawlucha. Both attacks collide causing a huge smoke cloud in the middle.


"Ahhhh!!!" Frogadier yelled as he was sent flying and crashing into a tree. While Hawlucha stand at the crash spot victoriously.

"Frogadier! Are you o-" Ash said, running towards him, but Hawlucha glided and landed in front of him first.

"Here" Hawlucha said as he held his hand to him, blushing in embarrassment.

"Thanks, Hawlucha" Frogadier said with a small smile.

"Alright, let's continue. Hawlucha use-" Ash was cut off when he heard screams.

In the sky, there were Skarmories firing Flash Cannon at the village, destroying everything in their paths.

"C'mon you two! Let's go!" Ash yelled. When he was about to run...

"Ash! Someone had captured Hanzo!" Serena yelled.

"What! Now they got the chief too!" Ippay, Saizo and Sanpei interrupred as they came to the scene.

"Quick! Let's follow the Skarmories, maybe we'll find them!" Ash suggested. "Alright Sanpei, you come with me!"

Both of them climed up the cliff edges of the valley and started to run after, but someone blocked them...

"HIDAYU!!" Sanpei snarled.

"Well, well. I can't let you pass here. We needed the chief, so you two better get lost before I beat you!" He threatened.

"That's what you think! Pikachu, Hawlucha and Frogadier, Go!" Ash ordered and the three of them got in front of him in their battle stance.

"Greninja, you're up!" Sanpei yelled throwing out his Greninja's pokeball.

"How courageous! I'll finish you all! Bisharp Go!" Hidayu yelled, releasing his steel and dark type from his pokeball.

"Alright Greninja! Night Slash!" Sanpei ordered. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt! Hawlucha use Karate Chop! Frogadier use Cut!" Ash ordered.

"Fury Cutter, Go!" He countered.

Bisharp dodged the Night Slash before striking Greninja's head with Fury Cutter. The force cause Greninja to crash into Frogadier but at the moment he took the Thunderbolt at full force. However, he still managed to stand up.

Opposites Interact (Greninja X Hawlucha)Where stories live. Discover now