Good Girl Goes Bad

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Meanwhile, Robin and Beast Boy are searching for any help possible.

"DUUUDE!!!! We've been out searching for hours!" Beast Boy exclaimed exasperated.

"Um, Beast Boy, it's been twenty minutes." Robin says.

"Well, in those twenty minutes, we've managed to get hopelessly lost!" Beast Boy sighed, draping himself on a nearby rock.

"No. We can still see the arena-party thing." Robin said pointing to Beast Boy's left.


"Let's go check on Cyborg and Starfire." Sighed Robin, deciding they'd patrol more later.


"Cyborg, what's your-" Robin crossed his arms, about to ask about his assessment when:

"Starfire forced me to give her wine! I swear I didn't do it willingly!!" Cyborg blurted out randomly.

Robin and Beast Boy were very confused. Why does Starfire want wine. 

"Ohhhhhhhhhh...You gave Starfire the wine?????" asked a new voice.

"Ummm, who are you??" asked Beast Boy.

"I'm Lina, Raven's good conscience." the person pushed back her hood.

Lina was a fairly short girl with wavy brown hair that have a few seemingly natural blonde highlights in it that extended to her mid-back. She had warm brown eyes that basically said 'I'm a good girl', but there was also a level of 'if you touch me I will not hesitate to kick your sorry butt'. She wore a simple crop-top and skinny jeans, like she was trying not to look absolutely stunning-but failing miserably. (JSYK ** Lina was short for Malina. But, if you want to live to see your next birthday-don't call her that.)

"Wait, Raven has a good conscience??" Beast Boy asked.

"Yes, and don't act so surprised. Do you know how many times I have had to restrain Raven from killing you?" Lina shot back.

"I'd say more than we can count." Robin and Cyborg chorused.

"Anyway," Lina continued-but not without a sarcastic eye-roll,"The wine you gave Starfire is spiked. It was originally non-alcoholic, but someone (UNKNOWN) spiked it with strong alcohol. And strong alcohol in people who are not from Earth makes them go evil."

"What?!" the boys yelled.

"I know, it never really made sense to me either but, whatever.It alters their molecular structure or something, I dunno. But, you can't change the laws of the universe. I tried once." Lina said thoughtfully.

"DESTROY THE TEEN TITANS!" a voice yelled.


**JSYK means Just So You Know



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