When in Doubt, Blow it up.

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"Watch out Starfire!!" Robin yelled, pulling Starfire into his chest.

Starfire was about to unknowingly fall off the edge of a cliff, her mind elsewhere. The town hall had been a dead end so they were wondering the only path they could find. Beast Boy and Cyborg were unusually mellow as they walked along. 

"Many of the thank yous Robin." said Starfire, pushing out of his embrace. Her cheeks flared remembering all the times they were in that position back when they were dating. They had broken up only a year after Tokyo, their split mutual. It turns out neither of them really like each other that way. She shook the thoughts out of her mind and continued walking. 

Maybe it was the depths of Raven's mind, or maybe it was knowing that they were lost, made Robin feel alert. He felt as if someone was quietly crying out to him. Wanting him to go somewhere. Save someone. Robin's thoughts were interrupted by a huge explosion uncomfortably close.

"Robin! Do the watching out!!" yelled Starfire.

Robin looked up, only to see that there was a giant bird creature floating above their heads. The ooze creature was apparently shooting fireballs at the Team. Robin didn't know what it was. So he took some explosion pellets from his utility belt and threw them at the ooze creature.

Because hey, When in doubt, Blow it up.

Though, unfortunately, it didn't explode, instead it absorbed the impact.

"Um, Star?" Robin asked.

"Yes, Robin?"

"It's not-"

"-getting killed by our awesomeness." Beast Boy finished with pride.

"Um, no. Except the killing part." Cyborg stated, snickering a bit.

"I think this should work." Cyborg said, turning on his sonic cannon and aiming it at the creature. "Cover your ears!"

The sonic cannon blew it up quicker than expected. 


"BOO YA!!" Cyborg fist-pumped Beast Boy.

"Rad, dude!" Beast Boy laughed, impressed, though upset he couldn't turn into a dinosaur and eat it or something. 

The team groaned, it was time to move on to the next insane villain that just happened to be in their team mate's head for some unknown reason.


Quick question guys. Are my chapters to short??? Is my story lacking?? Any ideas??? Comment blow!!! Please tell the truth! I can take some mild criticism!!!! Oh and BTW, the name of this chapter is a quote from Hawk-eye in Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Juuuuuuuuust sayin!!! Oh, and I just found the ABC check button so I'm sorry for previous misspelled words. Man, I'm an idiot sometimes... ~Elizabeth 😘😘

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