**Bonus Chapter**

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In order to not only celebrate 6.2k reads and also to celebrate The Raven's second birthday, I have put together a bonus chapter for everyone. You know how I keep saying that this story is RobRae? Well here's some slight RobRae! This is a moment that was not included in the original story.


~Lizzie <3


Before the Story Begins... A Prologue of Sorts.


Raven sat in the designated kitchen area of the Teen Titan's tower sipping her herbal tea. Her book, Travels Within the Mind by Dr. Lina Presagiar, sat untouched next to her.

She sighed as Beastboy yelled profanities at Cyborg for beating him in that stupid monkey game Raven hated. Starfire was sitting next to Cyborg eating popcorn and watching the show unfold before her.

"Beastboy, why must you yell the curse words that burn my ears at friend Cyborg?" Starfire frowned.

Raven tuned them out after that. She opened her book and turned to Chapter 1: The Subconscious. She had to admit, something about this book made her stomach turn and had her feeling unsettled.

"Hey Raven, why do you look like you ate some of Beast Boy's cooking?" Robin startled her as he sat down to her left.

"It's nothing." she lied. Robin looked unimpressed.

"Liar." he leaned back in his seat.

"Fine, its this book. It feels like it will mean something significant in the near future, almost as if it foreshadows something." She took a sip of her tea and grimaced, it had turned cold and bitter.

Robin seemed to consider this in his mind and finally regained eye contact with her. He glanced at the book cover.

"Hey, doesn't presagiar mean foreshadow in Spanish?" he said more to himself than to her, "But don't worry, it's probably nothing, Raven. Trust me." He smiled at her in a way that created even more butterflies in her stomach. She softly smiled back. She relished and felt at peace in his presence, as she always did and always will.

"You're right." she sighed. They sat in silence and listened to Beastboy argue with Cyborg before finally leaving to pick up some more tofu while yelling about how 'at least it didn't betray him in Mega Monkeys 4'. Earlier that morning, Cyborg has used all the tofu to make robots that would attack Beastboy when he tried to eat them and needless to say, he used all of the tofu.

Raven groaned as she got a sudden pain in her head.

"You okay?" Robin frowned, knitting his eyebrows.

"Fine, but I think I'm just going to lie down for a while." She sighed and left for her room, leaving her book on the table along with her cold tea.

Back in her room, Raven tried to sleep for what seemed like an eternity, but she couldn't seem to relax. She grimaced and covered her head with her hands.

"Hello, daughter."

Raven shot up off her bed with unheard-off speed.

"Father. Leave now, or else." She scowled.

"Or else what?" Trigon laughed and suddenly she was falling to the ground, taking her lamp down with her. She felt as though she was swimming in a never-ending abyss of darkness as Trigon's malicious laugh echoed endlessly in her mind.

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