What's life without a little love?

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  • Dedicated to Ally Delorenzo

Hello my little ones! So I got up the courage to make a George Weasley fanfic. Heh, my first one so please tell me if anythings off or bad about it! I hope you all enjoy! Comment, rate, vote blah do whatever c: . This book is also dedicated to my best friend Ally!


I was laughing, running through the halls like the carefree person I was. I smiled . Playing pranks on Snape was the best, especially doing it with your 3 best friends anyone could ever ask for.

"Oi! Hannah, wait up!" George Weasley boomed down the hallway, waking up half the portraits.  

"Sorry Georgie," I can't help but giggle at the silly ginger kid. Him and his brother Fred were exactly alike but different in many ways. George, Fred, and my other best mate Ally all came to a sudden halt in front of me. Ally looked like she was going to explode from laughter.

"I can't believe you did that to Snape, you idiot!" She said with her American accent. Ally moved to England with her Uncle, after her parents died while protecting her from Lord Voldemort. The infamous Harry Potter says he's back, which quite frankly is true. I took Ally's appearance in slowly. She had dark brown, frizzy, yet wavy hair that went halfway down her back. Her big brown chocolate were covered with black eye makeup, over all she still looked beautiful. 

"Yeah mate, I thought putting dung bombs was good enough but  a swamp in his desk?! Blimey that's crazy," Said Fred, pulling me back into reality.

"Don't test my bravery when it comes to things like this! I was put into Gryffindor for a reason, if you've already forgotten." I smirked when I said this.

"You're bloody hilarious, Hannah." George said with that cute goofy grin of his.


What the hell did I just say?

There's no way I just thought that...

"Helllooooooo earth to Hannah?" Ally said waving her hands in front of my face.

"Lets head to the common room guys, I'm tired," I said while giving Ally a 'we need to talk face' She got the hint and we all quietly trugged back to the common rooms.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "So what is it that you need to talk about, Hannah?" Ally asked with concern in her voice.

"Er.. When George made that comment, about me being funny... I ehm kinda thought his goofy grin was absolutely cute."  I said, not looking at Ally.

"Aw how cute! I think this means something!" She gushed

"No this doesn't mean anything, I was just thinking stupid." I say was dismissing her.

"Whatever you say love, anyways I shall see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight" She says while laying down.

"Yeah... Goodnight" I mumbled.

There was no way she was right on anything. George is my best friend. I can't possibly like him. It can't happen. I won't let it! Sighing, I turn over and try to sleep.

Of course I can't sleep. On all nights where I ABSOLUTELY need sleep but no. Sleep wants to hate me now. So, i groggily get up and stumbled downstairs to the common room, when I spot a familiar  ginger sitting by the fire. Me, being the bitch I am, sneak down and scare the living day lights out of him.


"Hey common it was funny! Don't be a Hermione now!' I giggled while I sat on the couch, George right next to me.

                                                      ~~~George's POV~~~

I can't help but smile as she scared me. So was so cute when she did little things like that. I've liked this girl since the beginning of our 1st year together. I looked at her and smiled brightly.

Her pin straight blonde hair was gorgeous on her, while her bright blue eyes shone at me with a hint of mischief. Her features were perfect, and her body was very attractive. She touched my hand by accident, and a big jolt of electricity went through me. It felt great, yet she felt it too, for she jerked her hand away.

I wish she was mine. I wish I could tell her I love her.  I want to hold her, tell her she's always mine. I want her to be mine and mine only. Not Lee's, nor Fred's. Just mine and only mine.

"Hannah can I tell you something?' I ask, with nervousness pouring into my words.

"Of course, George!" She said cheery. Damn this girl. She looked at me with much curiosity and all I wanted to do was hold her. Stop George, I need to control this. Just tell her you like her. Just say the words

" Well you see.. I um.. kinda sorta.. maybe...' Suddenly the common room door swings open and I'm looking face to face with Professor McGonagall.

"Hannah, George! It's 1 in the morning! You two have a important day tomorrow, it be best if you both went to bed. Now," She said sternly. She walks out and I see Hannah leaving for bed.

"Goodnight George! Thanks for keeping me company." She gives me a warm smile and heads to bed.

"Goodnight... Hannah." I say back.

So close, yet so far away.

HELLO EVERYBODY! So I'm not here to Wattpad and I decided to make a story... I'd love some feed back .. Heh(; I WANT THIS TO OUT RATE/VOTE ALL THE 1D FANFIC. (sorry if you're a fan, it's just bloody annoying seeing all the 1D things ;_;)

Comment, rate, vote! 

 ( I went over this, added some things and edited a thing here or two. Hope you like it!)

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