Switcheroo (Krii7y)

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Again, thanks to the amazing @Purplepuma11 for another great prompt.

Also, from here on guys, this book will no longer just be BBS. It will also be GBG. So you have that to look forwards to. And more to request.

People: Mainly Jaren and John. Short inclusion with Toby (JohnOnTheRadio), Cam (Fitz), Eric (SwaggerSouls), Mason (Zuckles).

Sorry I don't have a lot of people from GBG. I tried to find some others real names but came up short. Anyways, onto the chapter.
~*Jaren's POV*~

Today was January twenty-forth. And today, was a lot closer to the monthly 'switcheroo' day then I would have liked.

You see, everyone has a mate.

You heard me. I said mate. As in, soul mate. Don't let your mind wander, gutter brain.

Anyways, as I was saying, everyone has a soul mate. On a specific day every month, soul mates who haven't found each other yet temporarily swap bodies. It's then their job to figure out who their other is, and then find them in their own bodies. Everyone only has twelve hours to do so before being forced back to their original vessels. If both mates figure out who their destined is early, then they swap back early as well. But that's only when both mates figure it out. Once both people swap back, they have the thoughts that the other had when in their mates body. It could be something negative, or it can be positive. But they always know what the other said or thought.

Problem with mine? I have yet to actually have my 'switcheroo' day. And I have no clue why. All my friends, expect John, who has the same problem as me, found their soul mates. And, lucky for them, they were destined to someone from our group. For example, Toby had Mason, and Cam had Eric. And, lucky for them, they had all been crushing hard on their meant to be's. Like how I was crushing on John.

I sighed, looking at my phone as the others chatted around me. I zoned out I guess, sound fading around me.

In three days, it would be switcheroo. I was terrified that I would miss another day. I was also terrified that me not swapping also meant that I didn't have a soul mate.

I never voiced these fears to the others. They would try to make everything seem better. I loved them for it, but it just wouldn't work.

"Jaren!" Cam screamed right beside me. I jumped and fell from the unexpected sound, landing right across John's lap. I blinked into his green eyes. A lake stared back at me.

I could feel my face start to burn as I quickly sat back up, clearing my throat. The others were watching me with concerned eyes. I gave them a cocked eyebrow, trying to play off from my spaciness. They shook their heads, but didn't say what they knew.

"We're you guys asking something?" I questioned, pinching the fabric of my shirt between my fingers. The others sighed around me.

"Yes." Mason, the ozzy of our group stated. "We were asking you and John if you were excited for switch day." I blinked at them, my thoughts huddling together in the back of my mind, almost as if they could read them and were waiting for me to voice my honest answer.

"Yeah, sure. It would be nice to actually switch though. But we'll see how it goes, I guess." I mumbled, shrugging. Toby pursed his lips. He didn't believe a word I said.

"You don't need to worry so much," he assured me, "I bet ya that you'll finally switch." I shrugged again. I really wasn't into this stuff anymore anyways. What's the point of worrying if I know I'm never going to switch. Plus, imagine how terrifying it is. To wake up in another house entirely, in someone else's body. Makes it seem like your current life had been some, strange dream. And that all you've accomplished? Like it was nothing. Just your own imagination.

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