Handsome Devils and Beautiful Angels (Part 2)

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Prompt: No prompt for this one, either then continuing it off of the first part.

People: Ryan, Luke, Jonathan, Bryce, Reader.

There is only going to be these few for this mini one-shot series.

Your POV

It's been about two weeks since my first face to face encounter with the angel and devil. Ever since then, they haven't appeared to me in full body. I've caught glimpses of their presence, a flash of red, a feather falling, but nothing more. During those two weeks, my housemates have rarely gone out, wanting to keep a close eye on me. I would say that it was getting a little annoying, but I could be grateful for them keeping the two beings away. But tonight wasn't one of those nights.

The others had to go out for a business meeting. After I convinced them that I was fine, they reluctantly left. I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge in the kitchen. Walking to the stair case, I had that feeling that's been missing for two weeks. Someone was watching me. Letting out a sigh, I spoke to my stalker.

"I know your there. Just come out already." I turned to look behind me. I saw nothing, but that feeling remained. I slowly climbed the stairs. I froze when I heard a second pair of feet creak the wooden steps. Glancing back over my shoulder, I have still yet to see someone. Trying to shake off the feeling, I continued up the stairs. I reached the top of the landing and walked to my rooms entrance. That's when I heard feet slam on the landing. I slowly looked to my left. There stood a creature of dripping and swirling black, almost like a shadow. It was probably five feet tall, as thin as a skeleton, bony fingers clacking together. Red eyes glowing among the black stared at me. Its lips curled back into a ugly smile, yellow fangs fitting together like a zipper.

I pushed into my room and slammed the door, leaning against it as that thing hurled itself towards me. It pounded on the door, trying to get in. My heart was pounding. I have never seen this thing before. But it seemed all too familiar. The door literally burst open, and I was sent sprawling onto my bed as wood flew past me. Then the thing was on top of me, sitting on my stomach. It grabbed my chin. I watched in horror as it slowly raised its free hand to its mouth, biting down on one of its fingers. The finger came off. Dropping the finger into its hand, it turned to a liquid. It dripped some of that liquid onto my forehead. A burning sensation blossomed where the liquid touched my skin. It then dripped the rest of the liquid into my mouth.

I coughed as the burning entered my throat. The thing laughed. But it released my face. I felt anger rise in me. I threw the thing off me, making it land on its back. Now I jumped on top of it. I had no clue what was happening, just that something was making me act. Grabbing both sides of its head, it's eyes filled with fear before I jerked its head up in a right angle. I heard the snap of bone, and then it's body dissolved. The adrenaline drained from me, and I just realized how much pain was in my stomach and head. I felt nauseas. Stumbling back to my bed, I flopped down on it. The pain in my body made my vision spin. I wasn't entirely certain what I was seeing, but a white glow formed around my body. My vision started to go dark. I felt the sensation of falling as the pain dragged me into sleep.

~Time skip because it is needed~

I could finally feel my body. And it hurt like a bitch. But that's not only what I felt. My hand and back were being tickled by blades of grass. But my head was propped up against someone's legs. Hands were on either side of my head. They gently stroked my temples. There were voices. None of them were familiar. I cracked open my eyes, but everything was blurry. There was a figure over top of me, the person who I was leaned against. And there was someone else, standing by my feet. My body felt like it was paralyzed, but not numb. I felt the pain in my stomach still. I tried to move, but instead let a whimper escape my lips. The head above me snapped down. Then they looked back to the second figure.

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