Handsome Devils and Beautiful Angels (part 5)

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~*Bryce's POV*~

(Y/N) has been doing a lot better. Sadly, it had taken him a week to wake up from that outbreak of power. He could still barely use it, but Ryan was training him to use his flames. Actually, we were all training him in something. I was teaching him to control his wings and to fly. Luke was teaching him hand-to-hand combat, and Jonathan was teaching him how to use his knife, and the different weapons he could form with it. It was slow going. He could only use his flames for a half hour straight before he started getting the headaches that stopped everything and sometimes forced us to make him sleep.

He held so much power for one vessel. I'm surprised he hasn't burned himself to a crisp yet. And terrified for what would happen if he had another outburst.

I watched as Ryan went over some basic skills and ways to form his magic. The simplest way, flicking your wrist while tightening the muscles in your arm. The easiest way any of us learned. But (Y/N) was having a lot of trouble. A ball of fire would flicker in his hand for a few seconds before dying out.

"No, you need to make your arm tense." Ryan said, exasperated. (Y/N) breathed in deeply.

"I am." He exclaimed. "I've been following your steps for the past fifteen minutes. It doesn't work for me." I walked closer to them before deeming it better to just lean against the house and continue to watch. He was doing the steps right. It just wasn't working for him. Ryan was on the verge of snapping. He's rarely ever angry. I never thought that (Y/N) would bring him this close.

"Well that's how Bryce and I learned to summon our magic." Ryan ran a hand through his hair, glaring at (Y/N). "That's how any Guardians with magic have learned. So why is it different for you?" I looked to (Y/N). He was just as close to snapping as Ryan. We have yet to see (Y/N) angry, and I'm certain I don't ever want to see him that way. I turned my gaze to the sun sitting directly overhead.

It didn't make sense. (Y/N) is stronger with the positions of the sun. So then why isn't it helping him now? I heard a tree creak and violently crack and returned my gaze to Ryan. He has shot his right arm out to the side and punched a tree. There was a fist mark in it when he let his arm drop. He stared at (Y/N) all the while doing this. I pushed off the building, deciding that this had to be enough. I watched (Y/N) as I walked up to Ryan. He hung his head, staring at the ground and blocking my sight from his eyes. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides, and his legs were spread apart. His wings sat in tight to his back. His body shook with barely restrained anger.

I placed a hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"I think we should take a break." I suggested. Ryan sucked in a breath, and I felt him relax under my grip.

"I think your right." He mumbled. "There's definitely something he's not getting, we just need to think this over and—." (Y/N) let out a scream. Not a bird like scream. Not a fear filled scream. But a rage filled scream. We whipped our heads to him just as the leash on his anger snapped. His wings were ablaze and so were his fists. He spread his wings out and we watched as they burned. Slowly, the flames seemed to weave together until they were no longer fire. His wings had the same shape and build, but now molten lava dropped and burned the grass, red and orange overlapping, trying to claim victor. We stumbled back.

"Is this tense enough for you." (Y/N) struggled to get out. In a blink, everything of fire went out, and his wings were feathered again. He fell to his hands and knees, taking in shaky breaths. We tried to get closer but he held up a shaking, tired hand, stopping us in our tracks. "I'm good." He took one final, deep breath and sat on his heels. His face was pale, but he seemed calmer. "I needed to let that out." I pushed around Ryan and knelt beside him. I opened his wings out and he let me, shivering as I started running my hands over the feathers.

"His wings were just... now they're normal... what the hell happened?" I observed his wings as I moved them. Everything was solid. Nothing dripped. Nothing was almost liquid like. I looked to Ryan over his wing. He was confused.

"After fifteen minutes of trying to use proper techniques, you finally access your power through anger." He stated. (Y/N) slowly climbed onto shaky legs.

"Now I feel exhausted." He admitted. "But were getting somewhere, so let's keep going." I placed a hand against his forehead. He seemed colder almost.

"You don't have a headache?" I asked. He shook his head. I looked to Ryan, asking him if it's alright. He shrugged, deciding that we should try to branch off of it. They spent another several minutes going over what (Y/N) had done to create those flames. He didn't know what he had done. It had just... happened.

Every so often, I would place my hand on some bare skinned part of his body. He was still a little cooler than normal, but the heat was building back up. That seemed off. Usually a Phoenix's body temperature couldn't drop unless close to death. Minus being tired, he seemed absolutely fine.

Another fifteen minutes went by, and I found myself wandering to the front of the house. Luke was inside, doing I have no idea what. Jon had wanted to get out of the house, so he went to the Life Fire. He's been gone several hours. He should be back soon. Actually, he's apparently going to be back right now.

He came through the trees, nearly running me down as he came to a stop. I had to jump out of the way. He was winded, choking to get the words to come out. I let my hand glow and placed it on his back, giving him back his breath. He stood up straighter and looked to me with his mask-less face.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked. I pointed behind the house and followed as he speed-walked there. (Y/N) was standing as he was before his outburst. Head down, hands clenched, feet apart, body tense and shaking. Ryan was standing in front of him, examining everything with a hand to his chin. Jon grabbed onto Ryan's shoulder, getting him to turn to us. "He needs to stop." We blinked at Jon, and even (Y/N) stopped what he was doing to watch us.

"Why?" Ryan asked. Jon ran his hands through his hair at a hurried pace.

"Somethings happening with the Life Fire. It's like how someone would gently breath on a candle. The entire flame is doing it." (Y/N) dropped his stance completely, and Jon walked up to him, grabbing his arm now. "Have neither of you noticed how cold he is?" I gave Ryan a worried glance.

"Okay, it's now definitely time for a break." I stated. Ryan nodded and we led a protesting (Y/N) inside. Luke looked up from his book and sat up from his place of lying on the couch. (Y/N) huffed and went silent.

"What did he do to make the fire do that?" Jon asked Ryan as I pushed (Y/N) to the couch. He sat down and crossed his arms.

"He accessed his powers, that much we can say," Ryan answered, "only he accessed it through anger. Maybe he drew to much of it out at once?" I watched as (Y/N) draped his wings over the back of the couch. He leaned his head back. His eyes started drooping. How tired was he.

My attention snapped to the smoke curling from his fingertips. I gently placed the tips of my fingers to his forehead. He was back to normal. So where was this smoke coming from? The smoke turned to embers, and I held up his hand as I watched everything occur. His eyes snapped open and he yanked his hands out of my grip, just as he clenched them tight. His fists caught fire, before quickly going out. I stumbled back. I might not have been touching him, but his hands were still really close to me when it happened. He mumbled a quick 'sorry' before folding his hands in his lap. I looked to Luke, asking for help. He merely shrugged. The sound of burning made me and Luke turn back to (Y/N). He held a orb of fire in his palm. Not once did it sputter or go out. Ryan and Jon left the room, so only us three could appear surprised. He closed his hand around the flame and snuffed it out.

"How did you do that?" Luke asked, grabbing the younger's hands. He examine them as (Y/N) shrugged and slumped forwards. I gently removed (Y/N)'s hands from Luke's.

"He's tired," I stated, "let him rest." Luke sighed but nodded, pulling (Y/N) to his chest and lying the both of the down. (Y/N) rested his head on Luke's chest and let his eyes close, his legs between Luke's. His breath evened out in a matter of minutes. Luke played the younger's hair. I sat at the foot of the couch. "Somethings been very off ever since he transformed. We need to keep a close eye on him." Luke nodded. We remained in a comfortable silence as we continued to let (Y/N) sleep.

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