A steady heart beat to give me hope

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Hey important Authors note at the end!




Gabriel didn't know what to do he was confused and panicked. What was he going to tell Dean and Cas? He could just leave , but he knew that Scara would tell them if he did. He kept thinking and thinking of possible excuses yet he still couldn't think with one damn excuse. He was about to yell at something  thinking it would help with anger, but he heard two foot steps enter the house. He tensed up trying to think of something when Cas saw him.

"Gabriel? What are you doing here" Cas asked getting Deans attention.

"Oh, Well Sam called me saying he wanted to have a sleepover and he forgot his pajama pants so sense I can just pop in and out I said I would do it instead." Gabriel lied quickly. It was a rubbish excuse , but it's better than nothing.

"Okay well tell Sam me and Dean said hi" Cas said suspeciously eyeing Gabriel. Gabriel nodden and snapped his fingers taking him and coma Sam with him.

Gabriel sighed loudly putting Sam in his bed and under his blankets.

"It wasn't suppose to be like this" was all that Gabriel wispered to himself before falling asleep.


The next day at school Scara felt confident knowing that no one would beat her up she walked into school like it was her bitch as she made her way into her locker ingnoring all the stares she got from other students. She felt like a new her even though nothing changed well besides her ego. Scara wore a smile all the way into first period and sat down before taking notes.

Scara looked around for Dean or Cas, but they never showed up and she would look around for Charlie, but they broke up sense Charlie would be moving to Flordia. So she sat at the normal table and took out her phone. While playing the game she thought about what happened over at Sams house she was worried for the younger Winchester. She thought about Gabriels face when he saw her wings or how he just kept blinking probably not being able to believe what he saw, then another thought came into her mind. What if I took out my wings right now? God did say she could whenever she wanted so she decided to see peoples reactions. So she took a deep breathe and popped out her wings as the cafertia was soon filled with shocked looks and terrified gasps.


Cas and Dean were starting to get suspecious about Gabriel he was always popping in Sam's room and then making some excuse that they couldn't see Sam or he was busy. Dean hasn't seen Sam almost a week now except for during the night, but he was never awake which was worrying Dean. Cas has been reasurring Dean that it was nothing, and that worked at first, but now not so much.Dean decided to go up into Sam's room to check on him.

when he got into Sams room with no suprise he was sleeping as always he rolled his eyes and started shaking Sam. Dean started to panic his pour Sammy's not waking up and he has no idea why. Worry etched onto his face as he started screaming for his brother to wake up or just awknowledge that he was alive, but all that could give Dean hope was his little brothers steady heart beat.


Ya this is super short, and to make it worse I haven't updated in a while I hope you liked it though.

Anyways, I'm thinking of deleting this story or keeping it up and not updating anymore because I really can't think of many plot lines and I'm having major writters block so yeah. If I do delete/stop updating, then I'll start a new story that I already have ideas for so give me your opinion please!!!


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