Cuddles with love & Puddles of blood

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Cas woke up with a start. He was happy once again happy to actually go outside or go to school. He had Dean as his boyfriend, Charlie and Scara by his side he finally had his own group of friends. To add on to that spring break started after this week and instead of 1 week it's 2 weeks so lets just say Castiel is so happy he's past cloud nine.

The only thing that bothered him is that Scara was more distant than usual. She still hangs out with him, but she's more quiet and her smile didn't meet her eyes. Cas thought it was just something to do with some girl troubles or she missed Charlie sense she was at tec camp for the next month or so, but they skype and text a lot so  it couldn't be that. For now he would put that aside and ask Scarlett about it later.

At the moment Cas was waiting for Dean to come over they've pretty much been connected by hip sense they started hanging out. It was Monday so of course planned on going to school, but Dean had other plans.

"C'mon Cas we can miss one day of school your brothers are already there so they wont notice and if they do just say you're sick" Dean whined trying to convince the smaller man.

"Dean what if we get caught" Cas said back worried sense he's never missed one day of school let alone skip.

"Cassssssss" Dean dragged on letting himself fall on him which had a domino affect of Cas falling on the bed almost hitting his head.

"Fine" was all Cas said to make Dean just and throw his fist in the air.

"What are we gonna do" Dean asked confused as he looked around the impossibly clean room.

"Oh I know a fun activity" Cas said leaning closer to Deans face.

"Is that so" Dean mocked with a quircked eyebrow and a smirk making it's way to his face.

As their lips were about to connect Cas moved his face more to the side moving pass Dean to grab game controllers.

"Mario Cart!" Cas yelled as Deans smirk fell when he realized that Cas did that on purpose.

"I hate you" He muttered under his breathe then following Cas into the living room and sat on the couch awaiting for Cas to start the game.

( I don't know much about Mario Cart I've only played it a couple times so if I get my facts wrong sorry)




"DID YOU JUST THROW A FUCKING BLUE SHELL AT ME" Cas yelled taking this game far to seriously

"I have no regrets" Dean spoke in a evil voice with a wide smirk which came down when he ran over a banana putting Cas in the lead.

"IN YOUR FACE, HA KARMA" Cas said with a evil laugh

"This is war" Dean said giving Cas the stink eye and started using all of this boost trying to catch up to Cas.

and thus the war began.


Scara did come to school today reciving glares from kids she didn't even talk to. She knew why though when you get on Gabriels bad side he makes sure you're on everyones bad side. There were probably over 20 rumors about her by now circulating around the school. She really didn't mind though she was keeping her friends happy and protected and that's all that matters. With a sigh she made her way onto class getting the occasional dirty looks or name calling she thought they were all pathetic. The way they try and fit in or finding new ways to get attention but that's highschool a place full of fakeness and betrayl.

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