The Adventure

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After a couple minutes of getting out of his pajamas Castiel made his down the tree not risking going past his brothers room. His signature tan colored trenchcoat blowing with the wind as he jumped from a branch onto the ground. He made his way to Scarlett with a smile on his face.

"So where are we going" he asked while eating some of the candy Scara brought for their 'adventure'.

"Well there's this cool forest I know it's at the end of the park though. It should only take about 20 minutes sense we have to go to the end of the park." She spoke while eating chips and checking the time.

Castiel gulped and tried to stay cool, but he was scared of the park well not the park just the memories. All the times Dean had picked on him hurt him emotionally and phycially he tried to hide it, but failed.

"Hey, what's wrong? do you not like the park?" Scara spoke with confusion with a hint of worry in her voice.

"No, I just had bad times at the park so It' not exactly my favorite place ya know?" Cas answered her question trying to get her to understand the situation.

"Yeah I get it. If it helps when I was little, before I realized I was lesbain There was this cute guy and I decided to give him a banana as a sign I liked him. Turns out he was alergic so he got theese horrible bumps on his thoat and almost died and I screamed falling into the sand almost chocking on the sand. So to this day I hate sand." Castiel was laughing so hard he was crying by the time Scara finished her story that he hadn't realized they were halfway into the park.

"Thanks, Scara that actually did help" He replied once he was finished laughing.

Scara was about to say something back, but heard a gruff voice speak up instead.

"Aw are the love birds on a date" The unknown voice spoke said but they both came to realization that it was of course Dean. Castiel swore under his breathe, he knew the park was bad it's always bad.

"That would be really weird if he actually knew my sexuality" Scara wispered making Cas snort and try to cover his laughing, but failed and him and Scara were laughing infront of a confused yet indimadating Dean. After the finished laughing Scarlett wispered something into Castiels ear making sure Dean didn't hear.

"Go into the forest it's only about a five minute walk from here. You'll see a bush that covers the entrance go through the bush I'll meet you there in about 10 minutes or hide behind a tree whatever you're into, don't ask questions, go" Scarlett wispered and nodded at Cas. He looked confused but started walking away from them.

"So Dean I guess it's just you and me" Scarlett spoke forming a plan in her mind.

"Where is he going? why did you make him leave you don't want your boyfriend to get beat up" He spoke trying to find how to make Scarlett break, but she's dealed with people like Dean before and she will not get hurt by some douche.

"So Dean how long have you liked Cas?" She said catching him off gaurd getting to the point.

"I'm not a fag, you idiot why I like someone that looks like some tax payer and is a total looser" Dean spoke quickly, too quickly.

" I don't know you tell me" She spoke again with a smile. Scarlett herself thought they would make a lovely couple they just had to needed the right fix in a couple areas and they would be just fine.

Dean said nothing though just looked at Scarlett with a blank face obviously trying  not to give anything away. Scarlett could see right through the both of them though.

The Ever lasting Adventure (supernatural/destiel au)Where stories live. Discover now