Love and War

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Castiel was nervous it was close to four and Dean would be here any minute. He was constantly checking his room making sure everything was intact and nothing he didn't want Dean seeing was in sight. was sweating slightly as he thought as all the things that could go down.

Dean could murder him and then set the the hole house on fire leaving his body to ash. Was the first thing Cas thought of, but he knew he was redicilous he kept trying to calm himself down by doing anything from deep breathes to yoga.

Cas had halfway calmed down by now he was still unbelievable on edge but he could keep a cool face so you wouldn't notice.

Castiel heard the roar on the 67 chevy impala pull up into the drive way and stared out the window for what seemed hours, but only a minute or two before he heard a knock at the door pulling him out of his trance.

He quickly ran down the stairs not wanting to keep him waiting and took one deep breathe before opening the door.

Cas looked into his eyes blue meeting green as they just stared with a small smile playing on their faces. Cas noticed the silence and started conversation.

"Oh uh come in" Cas said awkwardly. Wow so much for conversation Cas thought mentally hitting himself in time head. Dean nodded and awaited for Cas to follow him to his room. Thankfully though Cas got the hint and lead him into his room.

When they first got in there Cas had already set everything up he had a few pencils and pens and a lot of paper already knowing Dean wouldn't become prepared and he was right.

They sat down on the bed and yet again the staring started.

Dean coughed awkwardly thinking of what to say.

"So whats the project about?" Dean asked actually not knowing what it's about.

"We have to descirbe our partner in 3-5 paragraphs" Cas said not meeting Deans eye.

"Well how can I do that when I know nothing about you" Dean asked in irratation yet not to harsh.

"Uh I guess will just have to learn" Cas said with a half smile finally looking up to meet Deans eyes.

"Okay I guess we can ask eachother questions and yeah" Dean suggested. Cas simply nodded and thought of a question


(Dean is italics And Cas is normal)


"Favorite food?"

"the blood of my enimes"

"Dean, focus"

"Fine, pecan pie"

"Favorite TV show""Walking Dead"

"Favorite band or singer"



And this went on for about an hour or two making an occaisonal joke and laughing while taking notes. Truth is they were enjoying this a little more than they planned on.

Dean thought this was going to just be awkward with a bunch of glances and fake coughs and tension you could try to cut with a knife but break the knife in half. At first it was, but Dean felt comfortable here more comfortable than he did when he hung out with his friends. He felt like he wasn't being judged and anything he said would eventually haunt him in the future.

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