chapter 1

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I was running as fast as I could. my feet couldn't carry me fast enough to get away. he was getting closer and closer to me. tears were streaming down my face as I started looking around for any bystanders who could be there to help me. but no one was there. I turned around to see if I was still being chased but no one was there. I took a deep breath and started to walk away but was soon grabbed tightly on my arm. my eyes widened as my eyes met with his. his dark green eyes and dirty face. his large hand was cold to the touch giving me chills down my spine.

"let me go!" I shouted. he said nothing and lifted me up by my arm then threw me into a brick wall. my eyes opened quickly. I was sitting in my bed in my room. I had tears rolling down my face and I was shaking in fear. I definitely won't be able to fall back asleep tonight. I pulled my legs towards my chest and rested my head on my knees. 

"why, why are you in my head dad?"

Izuku pov

-a few hours later-

I was walking into class 1-A. my eyes were heavy and I was walking sluggishly. my dream from last night was so terrifying. I tried to fall back asleep afterward, but his face kept popping into my head so I just stayed up working on my hero analysis Journal. I walked to my seat behind Kacchan as he turned to me looking confused.

"what happened to you? you look like shit," he said. I sighed and laid my head on my desk hopefully being able to get a few minutes of sleep before class starts. Kacchan noticed that I never answered and he growled lowly turning back around in his seat. my eyes were closed and all I could see was darkness and I was ok with that because my father wasn't there. but almost as soon as the darkness took me into my sleep he appeared. I opened my eyes quickly jolting up in my seat yelling loud in the class. everyone's eyes were on me. I looked around seeing that class, was actually in session. did I actually fall asleep? Izawa noticed that I was in a panic and walked to me. I looked up at him when he stood next to my desk.

"how about you go to recovery girl, you need to get some sleep, you look like you have been up all night," he said.

"that's because I was,"I said grabbing my bag and standing from my desk. I threw my bag over my shoulders and made my way the door. I opened it and walked out of the class closing the door behind me. I sighed and took a seat next to the door. why is he in my head. I haven't seen him since I was 4, but now he's in my head. its not the first time though, when I was in second grade I had really bad recurring dreams and I lost a lot of sleep, I had to be out of school for a week or two so I could catch up on my sleep, but, why now? out of all times he chose now to get back in my head. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down before I start to freak out. the darkness of my vision was calming. 

"Midoriya?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Iida, Todoroki, and Ururaka standing in front of me.

"are you ok? you were fast asleep out here," Iida asked. I nodded and stood up slowly. 

"I'm fine, I'm just really tired," I said with a smile. I grabbed my bag and placed it on my shoulder. I look over at the clock and smile, "its lunchtime isn't it, let's go get something to eat then,"I said walking away from them. 

Todoroki pov

midoriya started to walk away after we woke him up in the hallway. something is going on with him. I get that he's just tired and didn't get any sleep, but, it looks like something is on his mind, and, its hurting him mentally. 

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