Chapter 1.

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"¡Ándale! hurry up Tia" my 10 year old nephew Luca exclaimed. "we will be late"

"Luca calm down" I laughed. "we are just going to your uncle sergio's practice, it's not like we are going to the actual game"

Today my older sister rebecka decides I needed to spend time with her son and now I'm being dragged to go see my brother sergio's football practice. I have not seen my brother in almost 3 months now. That's a long time considering how close we were. I just got back from London where I've been for school.

"Tia Carolina come on" he said grabbing my hands.

"ok ok, let's go " I said opening the front door of my flat. The warm wind of spain hit my face immediately. I grabbed Luca's hand and directed him to my car. I opened my door and got inside my car and luca did the same. It was a good 15 minute drive from my flat to Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. I half listened to Luca tell me all about his favorite player Mesut Özil .

"Aunt Carolina you have to see him play, his passing is amazing. And the only way Ronaldo scores is because of Özil's passes" He exclaimed.

I laughed at Luca's expression. "Have you not met this Oscar guy yet?" I asked him.

"It's Özil. And no, I've only been to their games" He said. "But Uncle Sergio promised me today I was going to meet him for sure"

I parked into the parking lot of the training grounds. Wow this place is huge. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out the car. I looked expectly at luca, he looked adorably so excited to meet his hero.

"Well, lead the way" I told him.

"Gladly" he exclaimed as he half ran in through the gates that had the big white real Madrid crest on it. I shook my head at my silly nephew as I followed him. I found Luca staring at a distance in awe. I stood besides him to see what he was seeing. Indeed there they were, the quit built might I say, Real Madrid players. they were jogging around the huge field, I was quit surprised they were not the least bit tired. I heard the all too familiar laugh of my brother. He was being loud as usual.

"look mijo, it's your uncle" I said pointing at sergio.

Sergio immediately spotted us and waved at us. he said something to a man with grey hair and a clipboard before the man looked over at us then nodded. Sergio sprinted over to us.

"uncle sergio" Luca exclaimed running toward sergio. sergio picked luca up hugging him tight.

"ay look at my favorite nephew all grown up" sergio said.

"I'm your only nephew" luca laughed.

"of course of course" sergio put luca down before looking at me, embracing me in a tight hug. "ah carolina how I've missed you dearly."

"I've missed you too brother" I said hugging him back.

"How was england" he said looking down at me.

"England was great. " I said.

Sergio looked back at his team who was now all staring at us "uh why don't you guys go sit over there, I kind of have to go back to practice. but we'll catch up later" he said kissing me on my head and ruffling luca's head.

"Adios uncle sergio" luca said.

"Adios" he jogged away.

"Uncle Sergio wait" Luca exclaimed, stopping sergio right on his track.

Sergio turned around confused. "Si?"

"remember your promise? I get to meet Özil " He grinned.

Sergio laughed. "si, of course. I will get you to meet the man of your dreams later luca"

I laughed too. My brother the tease, it doesn't matter how old you are. He will tease you. Sergio turned back on his heels jogging back to the team.

"this way luca" I said directing him towards a random bench that we could sit on.

might I add, sitting with a football crazed ten year old at a football training ground is the hardest thing to do especially if it's watching the boys favorite team play. Luca was at the edge of his feet whenever one of the players had the ball. I didn't really know any of the players other than iker Casillas and of course Ronaldo. but Luca oh Luca named every player that stood even 10 feet from the ball.

Finally after what seemed like two whole years, their training session had ended. I wanted to go home because one of my favorite Spanish soap operas were on. I saw sergio walk towards us but he wasn't alone. He was followed by a dark haired man. He was cute, he looked awfully quiet and reserved. I smiled at them, but only sergio returned the smile back.

Luca exclaimed with joy as he jumped into this mystery mans arms. The man was startled not knowing what to do. But he soon returned the hug.

"Luca this is-" Sergio was cut off

" Mesut Özil " Luca awed. "the best player in the whole world"

Mesut flashed a smile down at Luca.

Sergio put his hand behind his back staring down at his nephew . "well I wouldn't say best because I'm pretty good to but he's good yes"

I rolled my eyes and hit Sergio on his shoulder.

"Ow oh Carolina I forgot you were here, Mesut this is my little sister Carolina, Carolina this is Mesut Özil" he introduced us.

I smiled at him one more time and stretched out my hand " hello Mesut, it's nice to meet you"

Mesut's warm soft hands embraced mine. "Hello Carolina,it's a pleasure meeting you"


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