Chapt. 3

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(Haeju's pov)

"Wake up you sleepy head" Someone slapped my face slightly. Suddenly, he poured cold water on top of me, makes me soaking wet and cold of course.

My eyes widened and looked around, that's when i saw myself was being tied on the chair with a rope. I fell to the front because i fainted just now but the rope stopped me from falling to the ground.

"Ah you are awake" The guy said, crouching in front of me. "Where am I?! Who are you?!" I yelled, and struggled to do anything as long as i can run away from there. I've never meet this guy before, his expression seems calm yet annoyed of me.

"Let me go!" I shouted and wanted to cry but i stopped myself. The guy csne closer and held my both cheeks with one hand, makes me pout. "Stop moving or i will make you stop by myself" The guy said. His voice was husky. He then let my face go, damn that hurts!

I looked at him, glaring because too mad. Who is he?!

"Ayy, don't glare to hyung like that or he will be shooting you right in your eyes" Someone came into the room and chuckled then sat on the edge of the table.

Another guy, who are they?! They are not going to rape me and sell my organs right?!

This guy looks much younger and he addressed the guy in front of me as his hyung. His muscles can be seen clearly, and he is taller than the earlier one.

"Wait, shoot?!" I gasped so loud. "Yes, since that is his speciality" He shrugged. "Where the hell is leader" The guy in front of me asked, showing how mad was he.

"Cool down 'shooky' , he is downstairs with our planner" The guy said, trying his best to not use their real names i guess.

Shooky? is that his fake name?

"I'm a sniper, not a fool. Come here 'cooky' and watch over her" The guy in front of me stood up and left the room. The other guy sighed and took out his phone.

I took the chance to untie the rope, doing what my teacher taught me before. "Don't ever try or i will hang you up on the ceiling" The guy said without looking at me.

But i was stubborn, i didn't have any plan on staying there any doing nothing until all of them come and do something on me!

The rope loosened and i finally broke free, as i stoof up. The guy realized that i tried to escape and stood up right away, placing his phone on the table.

"I told you not to move so much" He said, glaring at me. "Damn girls sure is hard to handle. Sit down princess" He groaned.

"No way! What are you going to do with me?! Let me go!" I screamed and without realizing it, someone held me from behind.

When did he come in?!

"Easy girl" The guy behind me said and held me tight, hugging me from behind. I struggled but the earlier guy walked toward me with a tape on his hands as he pulled a bit and cut it with his teeth.

"Shut your mouth before i kiss you" He said and sticked the tape on my mouth. "That will be, thank you for your cooperation 'RJ'"

He thanked the guy behind me and the guy let me go after he tied my hands, he assumed that i will follow what they say but instead of that, i grabbed the chance and ran out from the room in hurry.

Running downstairs and went to the outside but my legs became slower when i realize i wasn't at the city i live anymore.

I was.. in a forest. I gulped down and trembled for a few seconds as i ran so far away and hid in a place.

No one catches after me, which i relieved. The sky was getting dark.

"I need to get out from this place" i said while cutting the rope with sharp rocks. "Ouch" I winced in pain when the rock accidentally cut my skin.

But it wasn't a bother anymore, what's more important was how can i get out from here? There's nobody here.

My eyes were focused to the front, to see if anyone lives here as well but it's my mistake to not he aware of surroundings.

While i was looking at it, i can hear someone stepped on the dead leaves. Before i could turn around, he hit my head with a hard thing, makes me lose balance and slowly fainted.


"She is stubborn. Why do we need to capture her instead of her brother?" I can hear voices near me.

"Dude, she is moving. I bet she is awake" Another familiar voice. "Hey wake up, don't sleep on us" Another one said, slapping my face slightly.

This cold hand, it's the same as before. I opened my eyes a bit and my guess was right. It's the same cold guy from before. Oh god i hate him. It was that 'Shooky' guy.

"Do you want me to pour water on you again? Or maybe i should do with hot water this time" The cold guy said, annoyed with me.

The man laughed. He wasn't there before, i've never seen his face.

"Why are you laughing 'Koya'" he asked the other unfamiliar guy.

"Don't do that to her" He shook his head. "At least let her be alive until we've done what we need to" He continued.

Just when i thought he cares even a bit about me.

"I'm not useful..." I spoke with my tired tone. "My organs are not that good anymore, you will just waste your time" Suddenly i felt pain at the corner of lips. I used my tongue and I can taste blood.

"Did any one of you really hit me?! Hit a girl?!" I was shocked and my eyes opened wide afterwards. "I did that. Is it hurt?"

"'Tata' is that even a question?" The earlier 'cooky' guy asked.

hell yes it does hurt! What the fck is wrong with him?!

"Anyway, why are you saying about your organs? We don't want that. We just need your body" He smirked, makes me shivered.

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