Chapter Eleven-The Resort-(VIII)

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The killer wore the black gloves on his hands.

There was something wrong with what he thought was happening. Nothing seemed to prey on the mind more than having thoughts of death when he arrived and saw the Detective. The cohesive nature of the self and the mirrored self defined the chasm that developed between the way killers went about their work, and how nosy Detectives also worked.

"Ah, Detective, you are quick to stay here".

"I'm going to arrest you now. There's nothing you can do".

"Nothing. To me, nothing can do damage to the psyche more than death. Have you tasted death? Seen death in the eye of the world? It is not something men or women see. Or, to be more prescient than speaking to me".

"You dare...?".

"I do care of the nature of days...and weeks...and hours...and minutes. And seconds; I do care of the nature of days...and weeks...and hours...and minutes...and seconds...because it fits into the self like a ordered way of living...and dying".

"You're insane".

"Zu verstehen Mord ist, zu verstehen, was verrückt ist. Es ist von Natur aus eine Gefühl in allen von uns, er ist von Natur aus eine Gefühl, streift alles Dinge, die wir alle erfolgreich zu fressen...und zu spucken, alle in der gleichen Zeit...

"...Um zu verstehen, was mir Angst...und nicht die übernatü ist alles, baut sich in der Blutbahn...

"...Wir genießen das Leben Leute machen...Und, für die paar Glücklichen, lebt, ist immun gegen die derzeit in einer Krise. Und als solche haben wir sind Menschen. Wir essen, wir lieben, wir gehen mal ins Kino. Wir gehen zur Arbeit. Aber andere gehen Sie über das Leben am Rande des Todes...weil wir es ertragen aus Gründen der Tötung jeder, der definiert die selbst...und was das für uns bedeutet".

And then he swung his axe high in the air...and brougt it down...And killed the Detective in cold blood.


The loud screaming shook The Resort's foundations.

John and Julia ran to the foyer.

The bloody body of the Detective lay on the carpet with a deep axe wound to his skull. It was a gruesome sight; it stirred a memory of his dead wife's body...and the murderer who wasn't caught. He didn't think the murderer would be at The Resort...could he? Or her?...

"E' morto! Giovanni, che lo ha ucciso?", Julia asked, as she held her boyfriend's left hand. He saw Gerta shivering; he saw Randolph praying; he saw other guests staring at the body. He grabbed a blue blanket from under the Reception Area...then spoke in a strong, clear, voice.

"Non so chi Julia; non so. Quello che so, caro, è che voi, e il resto dello staff, adesso dovrebbero funzionare...

"...Informare gli ospiti che si prende cura dei tragici eventi. E informare il proprietario di venire qui... e chiamare la polizia. La morte di qualsiasi Detective può condurre a più problemi all'interno del complesso".


Suddenly The Resort's new owner Allesandro Franchini stared at the dead Detective. His bald head was sweating; his blue eyes focused on John.

"Il mio nome è Alessandro Franchini, il proprietario del Resort. Come può un uomo essere morti?", he asked in Italian.

"Come si fa? Numerosi gli ospiti VIP Sir sono morti nella camera 28, camera 32. L'assassino è libero come un giallo film, o negli Stati Uniti, una slasher movie. Mia moglie, Cassandra, fu assassinato da un ax killer. Egli non era stato imprigionato. Sono venuto qui perché ho bisogno di una vacanza, come tutti gli altri, perché Arizona è un incantevole dello stato in America per andare a scappare...e ora, gli ospiti stanno morendo; i detective sta morendo; Il Resort è anche morire", John explained.

"Chi è morto?".

"UN ex ospiti VIP in camera 28. UNA donna nella sala 32 named Amy. E il Detective, che tutti sono stati uccisi da un uomo tedesco che è una "riservati" ospite del Resort...e ha preso il dead man's room con la forza".

"Chi è questo Figlio di un assassino?", Allesandro asked.

"Lui stesso si è definito Mister Geogmani. O un nome simile a questo. Egli è il tedesco. Non sappiamo il suo vero nome. O perché in Arizona. Forse una vacanza di uccidere la gente...perché questo è il suo piacere".

"Non è possibile trattare questo Sir. Noi ...".

"Perché non è possibile gestire il Resort, Sir. È bene dare la colpa. Ma, il complesso è fondamentale garantire la massima sicurezza. Sono qui da meno di due giorni, e abbiamo avuto un numero di rivali un crimine fiction".

"Signore, questo non è un crimine dramma".

"Ti chiediamo di prendere il lead, cazzo. Sapete che stiamo lavorando per voi, e tu sei irritante", Julia yelled.

Randolph and Gerta smirked.

"Allesandro, wir möchten gerne zu sichern", Gerta added.

And then the police arrived.


Amberier smoked a cigarette.

"Los huéspedes VIP el equipaje está en sus habitaciones excepto las habitaciones 28 y 32". He was crying.

"Amberier, un caffè e fare una pausa", Julia said.

"Gracias, Julia".

And he prayed to God, as he walked to the caffè...and calmed down for the rest of the day.


 Eloise was in Room 37.

She wore red gym clothes, and black gym shoes.

Her long, black hair glistened from the shower that she'd had fifteen minutes' before; her blue eyes focused on the misty windows, as she turned the COLD and HOT faucets off, then opened the door before she got her clothes on.

By 1:00 PM, after she rested, she saw Andrew shaking in the hallway.

"What's the matter?".

"There's been several murders at The Resort. Didn't they tell you?", he asked. Eloise didn't answer; she shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't think I will stay".

"Once they make sure we're safe...the perks will be good".

"I'm Andrew".

"Hi, I'm Eloise".

"You're Australian?".

"Yes, Melbourne originally. I intend to stay in the US".

"I'm Canadian. From Vancouver".

"Lovely city".


"I'm in Room 37".

"Room 40. Rooms 28 and 32 are guarded by police...and The Resort staff. The Italian owner nearly had had  a stroke in the foyer when he was informed of the deaths".

"How were the people murdered?".

"With an axe".

"That's terrible".

"The killer is a 'Reserved' guest. He comes and goes. Apparently he fucked off somewhere. But he comes back at night".

"Like all killers".

"Yes, anyway, would you join me for lunch, Eloise?".

"I'd be delighted".

"Good, because some of the people here are...weird". He let Eloise walk past the staff, and they opened the Dining Room doors. When they stopped near Table 7, they sat down...and enjoyed their meal together.


Page 12.

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