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"Matt wait up." Pidge yelled whilst almost being pulled back down the hall by other students.

Matt stopped in his tracks and saw Pidge's arms waving above her head, he managed to pull her to the side of the corridor before being shoved into the lockers.

"Ow... what up sis?" He asked glaring after the person who shoved him.

"I need to ask you something about Keith." Pidge said while cleaning her glasses on her sleeve.

"Oh, what about him?" Matt said leaning forward, intrigued.

"Has he been acting weird, like being overly happy? Or not concentrating in lessons?" Pidge said trying to hold back a smirk in her face.

Matt stood up straight and knitted his eyebrows together deep in thought, "Now that you mention it, yes. He wasn't really listening to me when we got to Maths."

Pidge's eyes sparkled at his observations, she couldn't help a smile creeping up onto her cheeks.

"Keith likes her I can't believe it." She yelled/ whispered.

Matt looked at his sister confused. "Likes who?" He asked tapping Pidge's shoulder.

"(Y/n)!" Pidge smirked.

Matt was silent for a few seconds before his eyes widened and a smile played on his lips.
"Ohh... we need to a plan now!"

They both ran down the hall beaming they needed to get their friends together.


Pidge arrived to their table for lunch red in the face breathing hard. Lance raised a eyebrow before moving over to let her sit down.

"Hey Pidge, why have you been running?"

"Because I didn't want to get caught by Keith that's why." She teased sitting down and grabbing some of Lance's chips

"Caught doing what with exactly?" He sighed moving his plate closer to her.

"Me and Matt just got the cutest couple ever together." She hummed happily.

Lance nearly choked on his drink, he turned to look Pidge in the eye.

"Who?!" He demanded.

"(Y/n) and Keith that's who." She scoffed as she grabbed more chips.

"How?" Lance said leaning closer to Pidge.

Pidge glanced around making sure no one was listening, "I set them up on a date." She smirked triumphantly.

"Pidge, why?" Lance whined.

"Because they aren't going to do something about it themselves." She shrugged, continuing to eat.

Lance nodded in agreement continuing to drink his drink.


"Hey (y/n) wait up." Keith yelled pushing through the crowd, gaining the attention of the (h/c) haired girl.

"Hey Keith what's up?" She asked pushing hair out of her face.

"Um I  have a free period, would you like to... um train for the game this weekend? You are one of the best players I've seen and I was wandering if you could help me with my stealth? It needs some work." He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

(Y/n) could feel a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks. She wasn't sure if this was a set up or not.

"Um... ok" she shrugged.

"Great" Keith smiled before grabbing her hand and pulling her along the corridor and against the flow of traffic.

They soon arrived at 'the control room' as they called it. Keith moved his things closer to (y/n) while she logged on.

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