Getting to know you

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~~~~End of week one~~~~

"Today we will be reviewing the art of editing you need to use your art skills to be able to turn a picture into a masterpiece!"

(Y/n) groaned internally her art teacher was over expressive and irritating. All that they were doing was editing pictures right, the same thing they did every lesson.

She was sat next to Keith who completely ignored the teacher and began pulling up his work.

She was staring at him but whenever he glanced at her she quickly looked away.

Keith took a deep breath and looked (h/c) haired girl in the eye.

"What is it? Why do you keep on staring at me?" He said annoyed.

The (e/c) eyed girl looked at her hands sighing before answering.

"Y-you remind me so much of my brother, Blake." She stuttered quickly.

"Oh..." Keith suddenly felt a wave of guilt flow through him.

He didn't mean to make her upset.

"Yeah. He's currently somewhere in Rome he's trying to go around the world." She said proudly.

Keith smiled "Wow, how long has he been gone?"

"About 3 weeks. But he writes to us every other week." Her (e/c) eyes locked with his purple ones.

Time seemed to freeze.

"What are we doing?" (Y/n) coughed trying not to make it awkward.

He smiled and shook his head " I have absolutely no idea."

(Y/n) and Keith talked for a while and she found out that he had a motorbike and that he lived alone for most of his life until Shiro found him.

And Keith heard all about how she used to figure skate but gave it up a year ago.

Keith couldn't help but smile.

'How was it possible that she can make me laugh like this?' He thought as he gazed at her.

After (Y/n) had finished her work she and Keith packed their things up, she was heading back to her room, when she was knocked to the floor dropping her phone.

She turned around to see Keith laying next to her with a look of anger on his face.

"Sendak. Calm down." Shiro yelled as he appeared from the crowds that were forming.

Sendak glared at the teacher before walking away with a the same evil grin on his face as usual.

The crowd that had formed slowly dispersed.

"Keith, (y/n) are you guys ok?" Pidge asked appearing from behind Shiro.

"Yeah. Why did he do that?" (Y/n) asked gazing after Sendak as Shiro helped Keith up.

"I beat him on a gaming level this morning" Keith said dusting his jeans off. "Sendak thinks he can scare me off."

"Well we had better get some training in for the game next week if we are going to beat him and his team." Shiro sighed.

"Could (y/n) come along?" Pidge gazed up at Shiro with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Sure why not, (y/n) would you like to come?" Questioned Shiro.

"Yes... but I don't want to get in the way" she said looking at her phone which now had a huge crack in it.

"You wont be in the way, we could use all the help we could get. There's 7 people on our team Sendak has about...15."

"No 20" Pidge corrected Keith "come on lets go." She said leading the way.

(Y/n) walked behind Pidge and Shiro with Keith beside her.

"Hey there you guys are, oh (y/n) you've come too great." Lance yelled down the hall when he saw the group, with him was Hunk, Allura, Coran and a boy who looked a lot like Pidge.

"I've brought so much food I'm so ready to take down the galra." Hunk said holding up food and drinks.

"Lets get to it then. Keith your with Pidge, Lance your with Hunk, Matt your with Allura and Coran, and (y/n) you can be with me." Shiro ordered.

They entered into a smaller computer room, with 10 computers, each desk had one main screen and two smaller screens and a set of headphones.

As the others got the their seats and plugged their gear in, Shiro explained all of the team to (y/n).

"Hunk is called yellow. He's our mechanic."
"Lance is blue and he's our sharp shooter and pilot."

"Pidge is green and she's our tech expert she can hack pretty much any thing."

"I'm the leader aka black, I do hand to hand combat and I'm a pilot."

"Allura she's pink and is in charge of the castle and is the only one who can upgrade our energy levels during the game."

"Coran is orange and another engineer he's also know everything about each level he can provide health boosts to help us get through the game'"

"Matt Pidge's brother is grey, he's our rebel spy he keeps and eye on the galra from a safe distance."

"Keith is red and an expert pilot as well as our weapons expert."

"What are you good at (y/n)?" Allura said when Shiro finished his speech.

"Umm I used to tag along and do whatever I was asked." The (h/c) haired girl said honestly.

~~~In the game~~~

"Green theres a set of doors we can't get through" Black said with (y/n) behind him, so far they hadn't had any problems.

They were trying to rescue a prisoner who had been taken again.

(Y/n) looked up and saw a small vent she jumped up and looked down the dark passage.

It was big enough for her the get through.
"Where does this vent lead Green?" She asked.

"It takes you straight to the cells, wow that would cut our time down by 29 minutes." Pidge exclaimed.

"Nice spot (y/n)" Shiro whispered "But I don't think I can get through there."

"I'll just go alone then" (y/n) said pulling herself up and into the small passage.

"Keep going straight. Now left. Another left. Straight on. Right. Keep going forward it should lead you to an opening." Pidge instructed.

"Ok now where?" The (h/c) haired girl said as she slid out of the vent and landed silently on the ground.

"The prisoner is in cell 24 which is 10 doors to your right."

'I hope your right Pidge.' (Y/n) thought to herself as she turned and ran down the the hall.

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