Chapter 15: The Other Side

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No this can't be happening. I thought to myself as I stared at the rotating circle that was right in front of me. Out of all the times for the game to buffer it had to be when there was only twenty seconds left, let alone that it had to be the time that Rose was giving me her email. My heart was in pieces as I managed to relaunch the game but before it could even load, a pop up appeared Content missing please try again later.

The message hurt to read since I knew there wouldn't ever be a later. The opportunity slipped away and now I was alone. Completely alone. I couldn't even cry, I was simply defeated. My hands slowly slid up and removed the headset from my head, before I threw it on the bed. My head filled with what felt like white noise, and I dropped to my knees. Why? Why is it always me? Can't I just catch a break for once. I thought angrily as my hands balled up into fists and I slammed it into the hardwood floor.

The pain that ran up my fist made me feel human but it also hurt like hell. I was lost as I fell back and laid there on the floor, with my body completely spread out. The chill from the boards touched my neck as I raised my hand to my eye line. My knuckles were now scraped, but it was nothing serious as I moved my fingers back and forth putting myself into a trance.

"I'm sorry Rose, you probably hate me now." My words simply became more air in the room as I lowered my hand down beside me and I closed my eyes.

The sound of a notification came from my laptop, as my eyes bursted open. It was a devilish reminder that I didn't get Rose's email. Sighing I managed to sit up and crawl across the floor until pulling myself up on the edge of the desk. Looking through the emails, the newest one appeared at the top. It was from an unknown sender as I opened it up and looked at the sender's email.

"Who's Rachel Rose?" I asked the abyss until my obliviousness ended and I noticed the name. "Rose. Is this you?"

I kept asking questions to nobody as the email opened up revealing it's contents.


I don't know what happened in those final moments of the game but no matter. I only have one request from you and it's completely optional if you wish to do it. If you do accept this invite though meet me at the vanilla bean cafe tomorrow at noon. I'll be the one in a white flowery sundress. Hopefully I'll see you then, if not just know I'm thankful for the time we got to share together. You'll always be in my heart. See you on the other side.

Your hopefully soon to be real life friend,

Rachel Rose.

The message filled me with hope. I don't know how she got my information, and I wasn't sure what I was gonna be walking into but at the same time it excited me. I would actually be getting out of the house for once to go and meet people I met online. This was how kids, got kidnapped but at the same time it seemed genuine. Besides how would anyone else know about what happened. I was taking the chance, as I felt a smile find it's way onto my face.

I was happy and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Those final moments with Rose flashed in my mind, from the embrace to the kiss, and unfortunately the moment where we were torn apart. This continued throughout the day as night finally consumed the world. It was the first time in months that I actually saw day turn into night and that I wasn't playing games. It was surreal and when the night had finally ended, I walked back into my room and my computer was the only light.

Looking at the screen, the email was still open. I sat down at the desk and read it once more. I still couldn't believe that this was actually going to happen. Should I respond to it or just surprise her? I thought to myself but as I was thinking my fingers already began typing. I was just confessing my emotions to her, but most of it was gibberish. From premature I love you's and other romantic things that really didn't hold any merit filled the text box and I immediately deleted it. As much as I knew about Rose, she was still a mystery and I was a mystery to her. It wasn't worth my time now to respond, all I could do was wait until tomorrow.

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