Chapter 3: Witness

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Watching as John and Clarke stepped through the rift I was finally up next. Approaching the cosmic styled hole that simply ripped through existence. I took one last look at the firewall and then turned back to the rift when I felt a hand suddenly grab my wrist. It stopped me in my tracks as I looked over my shoulder to the only other survivor at New Hero Beach. Rose.

She stood behind me facing the firewall, the crackling and burning sounds persisted as she stared. We didn't have a lot of time left here, and I knew she hated the sight of the behemoth, yet at the same time she seemed entranced by it before finally shaking her head and looking back into my eyes. Tears were rolling down her face. Her eyes looked at mine for what was only a second before she forced herself to look away from me again.

"I want to show you something." She quietly whispered before another rift opened in front of her.

We didn't have time to ask questions as she stepped into the tear in the world, I had no other choice but to follow her. The last thing that I would ever do is let her go off on her own, especially now since we've all seen what the wall is capable of. Jumping into the rift, the screen started to load again for me as I wondered where exactly I was going. The bar hit one hundred percent as the graphics to what appeared to be an unfinished world loaded in. It had been the first time in a long time that I had been somewhere new but at the same time I was excited by it.

"What is this place?" I found myself asking as I spun around looking at where we were.

"An unfinished paradise." Roses cold words echoed from in front of me.

There was no colour in the world other then the sky lit up with a miraculous show of planets and stars, and even the occasional nebula appeared. While on the land, Rose stood at the edge of what was a cliff, that looked down upon a massive hole in the ground with a ramp going into the depths of the cliffs we stood on. I moved so that I was standing beside Rose, as she took a deep breath and then sat down on the cliffs edge.

"How did you find this place?" I asked her again as I took a seat on the cliff with her.

"I didn't find it. I made it, or at least partially made it," She answered sadly as another tear dropped into the abyss. "I wanted this to be a place we could come and just relax, it was going to be a surprise for like new years or something. I don't know.

Her confession didn't go unheard as I realized what she was trying to do. It was honourable, something I had never even considered. She was building so much more then just a character behind our backs and now we'd likely never see it in it's completion. I didn't know what made me do it but I put my arm around her while she laid her head down on my shoulder.

"Well I mean the sky is really nice, and I know the other's would love to see something like this especially now." I mentioned hoping that it would raise her spirits.

"No, I don't want them to feel bad, I just wanted to show you since we've been together since the beginning. Besides the wall will hit it soon just like everything else." She confessed and I felt a sense of honour fill me.

"Where is the wall by the way I can't see it from here?" I asked letting the other conversation go.

"It's behind the sky, were technically in a massive orb and the sky blacks out the outside, but I assure you it's there." Rose replied before lifting her head up from my shoulder.

The two of us sat there, momentarily forgetting about Clarke and John as a bright light exploded from behind the dark vale. It was a spectacle of blue stars almost forming something new in the sky above then as quickly as they had appeared they were suddenly gone as the automated server voice kicked in and filled the area.

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