Chapter 13: All Out War

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The Designer

My heart was pumping harder then ever before in my life. Finally there was some excitement in this game. The world was only a couple hours away from ending, and those who were stupid enough to stay and play this stupid game would be hit the hardest. I had waited for this day for so long, to hurt those the same way I was hurt in the past. Betrayal was a nightmare to experience. Only I didn't want to be the bad guy. Everyone deserved a choice and by bestowing the power that I wielded to the girl, it gave those who actually liked the game a chance to fight for their existence. However I didn't expect to lose.

Even though it was virtual, I could feel the weight of the hammer in my hands. It was heavy as I kept adjusting my grip on it. I never thought that I would ever be wielding it though, it was a joke but at the same time a weapon that earned it's name. Only this girl rivalled even me in the coding department, she managed to find a way to create a weapon out of nothing and use the firewall to her advantage meaning that we were evenly matched.

Then there was the boy. He was my polar opposite, he actually wanted to be here where I had no intentions to stay. Yet I could use him, the girl seemed to care about him. So much so that she showed her true colours and overrode my walls causing them to shatter. I was going to use him to my advantage. It was going to be the girls downfall as I bend her will around her feelings for the boy and we started to circle around his body. Both of our weapons hissing at each other, waiting in anticipation to meet. My eyes never looked away from the girls. We were evenly matched, weapon wise but truthfully it all came down to who could move better in the virtual space. We were two gods and the world was watching.

Continuing to pace around the space, I wondered what was going through the girls mind. Her eyes held on me, but she'd take the occasional glance down at the boy then return back. That would be my time to strike. Watching closely I watched her eyes again, and the door was open. I launched myself off the ground and flew through the air. Bringing the hammer back I went to swing but the girl saw me moving. In a split second, she looked back up and bent over as I flew over her. A gust of wind billowed out from behind me as my feet gracefully landed, and I immediately turned around. Her sword now at the ready.

"Wow, I'm impressed you dodged that. Y'know being distracted by the boy there tells me something, where you two going to get virtually married? Cause sweetheart I hate to tell you I don't think it's going to workout." I taunted as I felt a smirk crawl on my face.

"Screw you, why are you even doing this?" Rose responded as her face continued to express her anger.

"Because it's fun, and Ill enjoy smashing that pretty little face of yours into the ground." I laughed maniacally under my breath before charging at the girl.

However She didn't hesitate this time to intercept me with her blade. It was like time slowed down as I watched her bring the blade across her body before swiping it through the air. The flame of the sword crackling. I swung the hammer from the opposite side as both weapons met in the middle. A burst of energy exploded out from between them as the girl and I were both launched in opposite directions. We both slid back as we landed, and then without hesitating she launched herself back at me, It took me a second to react only she wasn't heading for me this time, she was heading for the boy.

I needed to stop her, he was my only advantage in this fight. Using the hammer, I smashed the head into the ground and using its momentum i spun around with it and fired myself forward. Only I didn't get the speed I needed. The girl managed to get the boy and threw him over her shoulder before taking off to the side lines. I quickly pursued though as she dropped him off with two other people. They had to be friends. I was closing the gap between us faster then imagined while her back remained turned to me.

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