Chapter 1: The Firewall

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Author's Note: This story is a multi perspective story, each chapter consisting of at least two perspectives, and told from the first person point of view. Hopefully you enjoy the story and it will be updated every Monday-Friday. Thank you and enjoy and by all means Comment and vote, all constructive criticism is welcomed. 


Three days. That was all the time we had left, our existence in this world was coming to an end. Yet everyone was staying calm, not a single goodbye was ever muttered as everyone carried on with their lives. Yet you could see it in the back of everyone's eyes that they were worried, some even scared about what would become of them. That was the case for us at least.

My name is Matthew (Matt) Adams, I'm an outcasted loner with absolutely no social life, and with absolutely no clue about how to make friends. My life in reality was almost non-existent, after I joined the virtual world. Except now it was coming to an end and all of the people that I did happen to meet would soon be mere pixels, and ten days ago we got the news. The company that created our virtual world was going bankrupt meaning the servers would be shut down ultimately killing all of our virtual personas.

The game had given us the freedom to be who we wanted to be. To take the outfits of the video games or TV characters we loved. Then there was a select few of us who actually chose to build ourselves a personal character to our liking. We were becoming programmers by playing a game that allowed us to interact and make friends with others. This was what I craved everyday during, after and even before school. I hated my real existence and always had my head buried in designing and modelling my character. Then when I finally got into the system it was like being brought home to where I belonged.

Virtual reality was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me out of my spiralling depression and actually gave me the ability to make friends and actually talk to people. Yet now all that seemed limited as we stood in the world, the four of us looking at the horizon as the orange glow radiated in the distance and had been nicknamed the firewall. It was devouring all the worlds and slowly shutting down everything it crossed, and you could see the wall every where you looked. It was a massive circle encompassing everything.

In this world I had three friends that I mainly hung out with. Rose, was a young adult like me presumably around the same age as well. She had gotten into programming her own characters like I had. Mainly using one with dark brown hair, a pair of glasses and a multitude of summer styled clothes that varied in colours. She was my best friend and we were inseparable in this world but outside of it all, I had no idea who she was.

Then there was John. A man who was older then Rose and I, and wasn't always around but yet was always part of our group. He had taken the form of an overly armoured knight with a long cape that stood over most of us forcing us to look up at him. He was a nice guy though he was big but he was always looking out for the little guy and that's how we met Clarke.

Clarke was younger then the three of us, just starting her first year in high school. She was pretty new to everything involving technology and basically had one of the starting avatars as her characters still, swearing that one day she would make something that would surpass even Rose and I, and as much as Rose and I teased her, we always saw the potential that she had, and we had noticed the little changes that she'd put into the basic character.

Then there was me. I had a character with a long flowing black cloak that was almost matrix style, accompanied with a graphic shirt and some plain jeans. It was nothing special but he was me and I created him myself, and now the four of us all watched as the firewall approached us.

"What do you think will happen when the firewall finally hits the home world." Rose asked us as we all turned to look at the girl who generally kept to herself.

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