The End

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Months passed and now Eliza was really pregnant looking. Alexander didn't mind any of it though. Sure Eliza  was moody and some cravings, but she was also extremely hormonal. Alexander liked that part. He never turned her down because if he did she'd get angry and emotional and probably kill him. At least that's what he thought.. Alexander and Eliza were the happiest they had ever been together. They had also moved in together so that Alex could be there at any moment in case Eliza needed him. Eliza took classes online so she wouldn't have to get up and leave. Angelica and Peggy were also extremely supportive of her. Both of them were very excited to become aunts. Maria was also supportive and came to visit Eliza frequently.
"Hey Liza," Maria greeted her with a hug, "how's it going?"
Eliza began to laugh hysterically before she also started to cry hysterically.
"Maria you didn't tell me that being pregnant would be so difficult!!" She said while laugh-crying, "I feel sick all the time and I look fat and ugly now! Will the stretch marks ever go away??"
Maria giggled and sat Eliza down, "Oh Eliza.. you remind of how I acted during my first pregnancy. Yes the stretch marks will mostly go away."
Eliza sighed with relief.
"Oh and honey," Maria continued, "you look beautiful. You aren't fat! You're carrying an angel in you. Oh speaking of which when are you telling Alexander the sex?"
Eliza lied back on the couch as she yawned, "oh I'm going to tell him really soon. I'm so excited to have a boy you have no idea!"
Maria smiled as she remembered how happy she was to find out when she was having a girl.
"So any name ideas?" She retorted as she opened up a bar of chocolate and gave it to Eliza (girlfriend goals tbh)
"Well," Eliza said as she took a bite of the chocolate, "I like the name Philip. Just like my father. Or maybe Alexander Junior? Actually I'm thinking Philip. We can name the next one Alex Jr."
Maria burst out laughing, "NEXT ONE??"
Eliza burst out laughing too, but she ended up laughing so hard that she got kinda sick and went to go throw up in the bathroom. "Pregnancy huh.." she murmured to herself as she washed her hands.
After Maria left Eliza went to take a nap and was woken up hours later to the smell of spaghetti cooking.
"Alexander?" She asked groggily as she got up and walked into the kitchen.?
"Hey baby," he replied, "oh and Hi Eliza." 
Eliza giggled, "how long have you been home?"
"Oh I dunno like two hours." He replied as he started to stir the spaghetti, "did you have a nice nap?"
"It was pretty nice," Eliza said as she locked arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "but why didn't you wake meee??"
"Because you looked like an angel. My angel." He said lovingly as he got out two plates and set the table so they could eat.

As they began to eat Alexander remembered that Eliza didn't tell him the gender yet.
"Lizzy can I ask you something?" He said lovingly as he stared into her eyes and grabbed both of her hands.
"Anything Love," She replied with a soft and admiring tone, "anything you want."
"What's our baby's sex?"
Eliza blushed as she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Our baby is.. A BOY!"
Alexander picked up Eliza and spun her around and he began to tear up joyfully. They the same second he put her down their mouths connected instantly. They were both filled with this insane joy that can't be described with words.
"I love you so much Eliza. And I can truly say that in my entire life, I've never been happier. Whenever someone is concerned about me I just say 'my life is gonna be fine 'cause Eliza's in it' and I mean every word."
Eliza snuggled in closer, "Oh Alexander my darling~ I love you too. I can't even put into words the extent of my affections. You give me purpose in this confusing universe.. and maybe that's enough," she smiled, "at least I think it is."
They leaned in for one long and passionate kiss. It was simple but straight to the point. Later Eliza and Alexander went into their room and began to passionately make out. Things began to escalate quickly and as soon as they had started, they were snuggling. Eliza remembered how naive she had been back at the beginning of the year when she had said she didn't want to date anyone ever again. It sounded so silly now. She couldn't imagine missing out on all of this. Alexander and Eliza's relationship had been a roller coaster up to this point, but it taught them both about the very nature of romantic love.
It's not just having someone to have sex with, it's having someone to talk to and coexist with without feeling like you're being forced to, it's so simple yet so complicated and you're always learning more and more every day.

The End.

Hello everyone! Thanks to all who read my story and stayed with me throughout this entire period! That's the end of this book and I really want to write a sequel. Your support has been everything! Please tell me what you thought of this story! Reading your comments makes my day. Stets out~💙

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