-4- "I Don't Know How"

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-A/N: Before this chapter starts, I just one to state that I have never been to an actual prom, or any kind of school dances. I've only seen Stranger Things' snowball, so I'm just assuming it's like that but with high school seniors, and in the 70s rather than the 80s. So if you find anything about the prom scene you're imagining while reading this chapter, please feel free to comment and I'll fix the flaw.
Also for the song I just searched in YouTube "slow dance 70s song". I'm such a loser lmao.
P. S. There will be loads of references and author's note, so be warned lol-

Indiana stared at the mirror, wearing the green dress she has adored very much these past two days. Finally, the day had come where she could wear it, in the event she thought she'd never go to.

Peter was waiting downstairs with a yellow floral corsage in a box, in his hands. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He wanted to make the night perfect for her. Somehow make it the best night of her life.

Come to think of it, Peter was lucky to be able to go to this school dance. It was hard enough to convince his mother to agree on him going to school and making some friends - even though the only friend he had made through out the years was Indiana. It was harder to convince his mother on letting him go to a school dance. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong tonight.

Indiana walked down the stairs. Peter's head skipped a beat because of the beauty of the girl standing in front of her. After five seconds he snapped back into the real world and handed the corsage to her.

His mother was out with Miya buying some groceries for the house while Wanda was in her room reading a book.

"Everyone is out, don't you think we should take a picture. Just for the reminder of what's going to be an amazing night," said Peter. Indiana nodded and took her Polaroid camera that was lying on the mirror table beside where he was standing.

They took a few pictures, since there was no way of copying them. Peter smiled with his cheeky smile, which Indiana loved very much.

-Think of it as they're taking a selfie but with a Polaroid camera, because that's what it basically is-

Peter held Indiana's hand as they both walked out of the house. For the sake that the dress won't get ruined, Indiana agreed on the antiwhiplash way of Peter transporting people.

They reached the back of school in almost three seconds, with, luckily, no one seeing them. Peter's hair got messy from the running. He tried to fix it but Indiana stopped him.

"It looks perfect," said Indiana, sweetly smiling.

They opened the gym door and walked inside.

-Before you continue, let me just remind you again that my 14 year old ass has never been to a prom nor any kind of school dance-

The gym was mid lighted with blue colours, yet it was still a bit dark. The loud music caused Indiana to close her ears for a few seconds before getting used to the sound and letting go of the two sides of her head. Most of the students were dancing in the middle of the gym floor while some were sitting down, talking, while a few people, maybe three or four people, were by the food stand, pouring themselves drink or taking some food.

"Let's go by the food stand," shouted Indiana. Yet even with shouting, her voice was still blur through the loud music.

Peter nodded and gave a fast "Okay," in agreement.

The two went by the food stand. Indiana took a plastic plate and took almost one of every kind of the food that was on the table. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes and more. She turned to Peter who was looking at her with a smile, and then looking at the plate in her hand.

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