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If you get triggered with  insults and well bullying be aware. There might be in this chapter. Please don't hate, I'm just trying to entertain. Anyways Enjoy:)

(Next Day, Oliver's Prov)

*Alarm Sounds*

Mmmmmm. I don't want to go to school. Ugh.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and then, BOOM!!! Lizzy came in my head.

I rush and did everything so I would walk with her to school.

Then I stopped everything and stood there,

"What if my friends see us walking to school together. My whole reputation would be ruined. I don't want that. I might of promise to Lizzy that I would give up everything to her, but I don't want to be a loser and have no one. Psh. I don't care if she gets mad."

Psh. What would she know about having friends.

(Lizzy Prov)

I woke up The the sound of my stupid alarm clock. One day I'ma beat that shiz out of that thing.

The first thing that went to my head that wasn't my alarm clock was, if you thought Oliver then you're wrong.

I had a terrible dream that Oliver actually never really wanted to us to be together again. That he humiliated me. Funny right.

I finally got the courage to get up from my warm, snuggly bed. Into the freezing floor.

I went to the bathroom looked myself in the mirror and said,

"Today is going to be a wonderful day. Maybe the best day in my life, NOW that Oliver is in my life again."

After that I took a quick shower and got ready.

As I went to the kitchen I heard my door ring. That's odd. Who the hell would be selling chocolates this early.

I opened to my suprise that is was, Oliver. Oliver???

"Hey, Oliver what you doing selling chocolates this early."

"What? No? I came so we can walk to school together. Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Well, no."

I started to laugh. I mentally face planted. Ugh, why am I this awkward?

"Great we can go eat breakfast."

"Okay, hold on."

We were walking to the nearest donut shop. Where something awesome happened. Like words can explain how I'm feeling right now. What! WOAH!

Oliver and I intertwined our hands. Mind blown!!!

He looked at me and smiled. Oooo, I can again get used to this beautiful smile again.

As we entered the donut shop, an old lady approached us and said that we were a nice couple. I immediately said oh we're not, then Oliver interrupted my by saying yes we are. Then looked me in the eyes smiling.

That smile just-AHHHHH!!!!

We were eating, until Oliver's phone rang.

He answered and mouthed

"I'll be right back."

I smiled and he left out the door.

(Oliver's Prov)

"Hey Oliver, where are you?"

"Hey Jack, I'm at a donut shop eating with my-my mom."

"Your mom. I called you because you've been acting really weird. Are you talking to the freak."

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